

The New Direction of Chinese Literary and Artistic Creation:The 80th Anniversary of Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art
摘要 1942年5月,毛泽东在延安文艺座谈会上发表重要讲话,总结五四新文化运动以来23年所取得的成绩,总结解放区、根据地文艺工作新的经验,提出文艺为工农兵群众服务、文艺工作者与工农群众相结合、文艺创作向群众普及与提高的文艺方针,改变了中国以往的文艺为封建统治阶级和文人士大夫服务的观念,指明了解放区和全国文艺创作的新航向,对解放区、国统区的文艺创作及新中国的文艺工作产生巨大影响,极大推进了中国现当代文艺的发展,引领了中国新民主主义和社会主义文艺发展的正确方向。《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》是将马克思主义唯物史观和文艺观同中国文艺实际相结合的艺术学光辉文献。 In May,1942,Mao Zedong delivered two important speeches at the Yan’an forum on literature and art,summarizing the achievements made in the past twenty-three years after the May Fourth Movement and the New Culture Movement,and the new experience of art work in the liberated areas and base areas.In the speeches,Mao proposed the art policy of art for the workers,peasants and soldiers,the combination of art workers with workers and peasants and the popularization and improvement of literary and artistic creation,which had changed the previous concept of art for the feudal ruling class,literati and officialdom in China,pointing out the new direction of literary and artistic creation in liberated areas.The speeches also had a great influence on the literary and artistic creation in the liberated areas.and areas under the Kuomintang rule and the art work in New China,which not only greatly promoted the development of Chinese modern and contemporary literature and art,but also led the development of Chinese new democracy and socialist literature and art in the right course.Speech at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art is a glorious literature of art theory combining Marxist historical materialism and literary and artistic view with literature and art practice in China.
作者 陈池瑜 Chen Chiyu
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期7-16,共10页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 延安文艺座谈会 毛泽东文艺讲话 文艺为人民大众 文艺新方针 Yan’an forum on literature and art Mao’s speech on literature and art art for people new art policy
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