On October 4,2021,Fumio Kishida became Prime Minister of Japan,which means that Kochikai,a moderate poltical faction with Japan's Liberal Democratic Party,returning to power after 30 years.The rising political game between current Prime Minister Kishida and former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the struggle for power and political lines between Kochikai and Seiwakai indicates that there may be adjustment of Japan's politics and diplomacy.However,judging from the situation since Kishida took office,the Kishida administration has advocated policies of amending the Constitution and strengthening the military power,and there were many negative trends related to China.Abe leads the biggest faction in the party,and his political influence and position remain prominent.Compared with the past,the current cognition and policy propositions on China in Japan,the ruling and opposition parties and the LDP are similar,but the specific methods and degree of posing pressure on China are different.Kishida's China policy will continue to be influenced by the rightist political forces in the LDP,and China-Japan relations will present both opportunities and challenges in the future.
Journal of Northeast Asia Studies