

Research on Irrational Influencing Factors of College Students’Internet Financial Management and Analysis of Its Countermeasures
摘要 随着互联网技术的发展和金融创新的推动,理财方式由原来单一的线下理财转变为线上线下双线理财,线上理财具有快捷、便利等特点,降低了理财的门槛,吸引了更多的投资者。本文通过logistics回归模型进行数据分析,认为大学生群体在理财中存在明显的非理性行为,其非理性行为与环境、教育等因素具有明显的相关性,学校和平台应该在学生理财的教育、理财产品设计等方面进行改进,保障大学生群体的权益,提高学生的财务管理能力。 With the development of Internet technology and the promotion of financial innovation,the way of financial management has changed from single offline financial management to online and offline financial management,and online financial management has the characteristics of quickness and convenience,which reduces the threshold of financial management and attracts more investors.This article analyzes data through a logistics regression model and concludes that there are obvious irrational behaviors of college students in financial management,and their irrational behaviors have a prominent correlation with the environment,education,etc.Universities or colleges and platforms should make improvements in the education of students’financial management and design of financial products to protect the rights and interests of college students and improve students’financial management ability.
作者 郭楚洋 王一玎 林川淞 吴博凯 薄斌 GUO Chuyang;WANG Yiding;LIN Chuansong;WU Bokai;BO Bin(Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300000)
机构地区 天津理工大学
出处 《中国商论》 2022年第12期46-48,共3页 China Journal of Commerce
基金 天津市大学生创新创业训练计划项目“大学生互联网理财现状分析及对策研究”(201910060054)。
关键词 大学生 互联网理财 非理性 理财策略 理财教育 college students Internet financial management irrationality financial management strategy education on financial management
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