在大规模多输入多输出(massiveMIMO)系统中使用天线选择算法可提高能效和系统吞吐量,然而适用于传统MIMO系统的天线选择算法具有高复杂度,很难用于massiveMIMO系统。为优化天线选择算法,以算法复杂度和系统容量为优化目标,提出了收发联合阈值天线选择算法。该算法在发射端使用最大范数双向天线选择算法进行天线选择,在接收端使用分组maxvol算法并通过仿真实验结果的预设阈值进行天线选择。仿真实验表明,收发联合阈值天线选择算法在降低复杂度的同时可以提高系统容量,与递增天线选择算法相比,系统容量最多可提高52.2 bit/s/Hz。提出的天线选择算法可以满足不同天线相关度和信噪比的传输环境。
The use of antenna selection algorithms in massive Multiple Input Multiple Output(massive MIMO)systems can improve energy efficiency and system throughput.However,antenna selection algorithms suitable for traditional MIMO systems have high complexity and are difficult to be applied to massive MIMO systems.In order to optimize the antenna selection algorithm in two aspects:the algorithm complexity and system capacity,a joint threshold antenna selection algorithm for transmitting and receiving is proposed.The algorithm uses the maximum norm bidirectional antenna selection algorithm at the transmitting side,and the grouped maxvol antenna selection algorithm with an optimum preset threshold at the receiving side.The optimum threshold is obtained by simulation results.Results show that the joint threshold antenna selection algorithm can increase the system capacity while reducing the complexity.Compared with the incremental antenna selection algorithm,the system capacity can be increased up to 52.2 bit/s/Hz.The joint threshold antenna selection algorithm proposed in this paper can meet the transmission environment of different antenna correlation coefficients and SNR.
SU Jia;XIA Yu;LI Wei(School of Information Science and Engineering,Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050091,China)
Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology