

A Tight Coupling Method for Relative Pose Estimation of theSpatial Non-Cooperative Targets
摘要 航天活动中的许多任务如对目标的绕飞观测和逼近停靠等测控任务,其中的关键技术之一是相对位姿估计,而对非合作目标的相对位姿估计更是其中的重点与难点;针对该难点,提出了一种融合单目相机和激光测距仪的空间非合作目标相对位姿紧耦合估计方法;采用单目相机获取目标序列图像,在初始化时利用激光测距仪解决单目相机尺度模糊性问题,构建真实尺度下的世界坐标系,在后续对非合作目标进行连续位姿估计时,使用紧耦合的形式融合相机与激光测距仪数据来优化估计位姿,并且解决估计漂移问题;最后使用Blender软件生成空间非合作目标序列图像,验证了文章介绍的算法能稳健地得到较高精度的空间非合作目标的相对位姿,且拥有较好的实时性。 In many space missions such as fly-around observing and approaching the targets,the relative pose estimation of non-cooperative space targets is one of the key technologies.In this paper,A tight coupling method for relative pose estimation of the non-cooperative space targets based on monocular camera and laser rangefinder is proposed.The monocular camera is used to obtain the sequence image of the target.The laser rangefinder is used to solve the scale fuzziness problem of monocular camera and construct the world coordinate system in real scale during the initialization.In the continuous pose estimation,the camera data and the laser rangefinder data are fused in a tightly coupled form to optimize the estimated pose.Finally,the non-cooperative space target images generated by Blender software are used for simulation.The results show that the method proposed in this paper has good real-time performance and can estimate the relative pose of non-cooperative space targets accurately and robustly.
作者 刘柯 汪玲 刘寒寒 张翔 LIU Ke;WANG Ling;LIU Hanhan;ZHANG Xiang(School of Electronic Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2022年第6期176-181,189,共7页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 航空科学基金(20182052011) 中国航天科技集团有限公司第八研究院产学研合作基金(SAST 2020-019)。
关键词 非合作目标 相对位姿 单目视觉 激光测距仪 传感器融合 non-cooperative space targets relative pose monocular vision laser rangefinder sensor fusion
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