
我国锂及其下游动力电池产业链发展探讨 被引量:8

Development of Lithium and Its Downstream Power Battery Industry Chain in China
摘要 锂及其下游动力电池产业链的高质量发展,对支撑我国经济转型升级、保障战略性新兴产业平稳发展起到关键作用。本文梳理了锂及其下游动力电池产业链的构成,涵盖资源端、冶炼加工端、关键材料与产品端、循环利用端四部分,据此阐述了相关产业链高质量发展的必要性及其基本状况。研究发现,受自然、生态等约束,国内锂矿扩产受到限制;国际性的资源争夺导致我国海外进口风险剧增;正极材料、电解液等核心专利处于被国外公司垄断局面;关键材料与电池技术相比国际先进水平存在一定差距,新兴技术方向的积累薄弱;废旧动力电池资源二次回收体系不完备,产业秩序有待规范。着眼锂及其下游动力电池产业链的高质量发展,论证了2025年、2035年的阶段发展目标,提出了采取多维度构建安全稳定的资源供应体系、攻关关键材料和电池新技术并强化锂电技术体系及人才储备、围绕关键材料与产品实施创新以带动产业链各环节协同发展的建设路径。研究建议,注重顶层设计的完备性,形成全产业链一体化管理模式;合理加大资金支持力度,促进基础研究与应用研究水平互促提升;鼓励上、下游环节的企业开展合作,增强产业链协同效应;强化“产学研”合作,培育产业链复合型科技人才。 The high-quality development of lithium resources and the downstream power battery industry chain is crucial for China’s economic transformation and the steady development of strategic emerging industries.This paper analyzes the implications of lithium and its downstream power battery industry chain,which comprise resource,smelting processing,key material and product,and recycling ends.Based on this,the necessity of high-quality development of relevant industrial chain and its basic situation are expounded.Due to natural and ecological constraints,the expansion of domestic lithium ore production is restricted.The international competition for resources has led to a sharp increase in China's import risks.The core patents on technologies such as cathode materials and electrolytes are monopolized by foreign companies.There remains a gap between domestic and international advanced level in key materials and battery technology,and the accumulation of emerging technologies is inadequate.The secondary recycling system of waste power battery resources is incomplete,and the industrial order needs to be regulated.Focusing on the high-quality development of lithium and its downstream power battery industry chain,the stage development goals for 2025 and 2035 are demonstrated.The construction path proposed includes constructing a safe and stable resource supply system using multiple dimensions,developing key materials and new battery technologies by strengthening the lithium battery technology system and talent reserves,and promoting the coordinated development of all links of the industrial chain while focusing on innovation of key materials and products.Furthermore,we propose the following suggestions:(1)improving the top-level design to form an integrated management model of the entire industry chain,(2)increasing financial support to enable the mutual promotion of basic and applied research,(3)encouraging cooperation among enterprises in the upstream and downstream links to enhance the synergy effect of the industrial chain,and(4)strengthening industry-university-research cooperation to cultivate interdisciplinary talents for the industrial chain.
作者 邢佳韵 陈其慎 张艳飞 于汶加 龙涛 郑国栋 王琨 Xing Jiayun;Chen Qishen;Zhang Yanfei;YuWenjia;Long Tao;Zheng Guodong;Wang Kun(Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期10-19,共10页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 中国工程院咨询项目“关键金属矿产及其材料产业供应链安全保障研究”(2021-XBZD-06) 国家自然科学基金项目(92062111)。
关键词 动力电池 产业链 高质量发展 lithium power battery industrial chain high-quality development
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