
ICU患者主要照顾者创伤后成长及疾病获益感现状及影响因素分析 被引量:1

Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Post-traumatic Growth and Disease Benefit of Main Caregivers of Patients in ICU
摘要 目的:探究ICU患者主要照顾者创伤后成长及疾病获益感的现状并分析其影响因素,为增进创伤后成长及疾病获益提供策略指导。方法:自2021年6-12月,选取遵义市第一人民医院151名ICU患者主要照顾者为研究对象进行问卷调查。采取便利抽样,使用自行编制的一般资料调查表,创伤后成长调查表(PTGI)及照顾者疾病获益感量表(BSF-C)通过问卷星平台对151名ICU患者主要照顾者进行调查。结果:创伤后成长总分与疾病获益感总分、人际关系、个人力量、新的可能性、对生活的欣赏、精神变化这6项之间呈正相关关系,相关系数值分别为0.828、0.760、0.800、0.802、0.710、0.648。调查结果显示,ICU患者主要照顾者创伤后成长总分为(66.735±19.966)分,条目均分为(3.178±0.951)分,疾病获益感总分为(60.642±14.138)分,条目均分为(3.567±0.832)分。多元线性回归分析显示,人际关系、个人力量、新的可能性、对生活的欣赏会对疾病获益感总分产生显著的正向预测作用;而精神变化对疾病获益感总分未产生影响。结论:ICU患者主要照顾者创伤后成长处于较高水平,而疾病获益感处于中高水平。医务人员应指导其采取积极的应对方式,促进其正向心理特质的形成;以期为医务人员从心理弹性方面制定干预措施,为提高ICU患者主要照顾者的创伤后成长及疾病获益感提供理论依据。 Objective:To explore the current situation of post-traumatic growth and disease benefit of primary caregivers in ICU patients and analyze the influencing factors,so as to provide strategic guidance for improving post-traumatic growth and disease benefit.Method:From June to December 2021,151 main caregivers of ICU patients in the First People’s Hospital of Zunyi were selected as the research subjects to conduct a questionnaire survey.Convenience sampling,general information questionnaire,post-traumatic growth questionnaire(PTGI)and Caregivers’sense of disease benefit scale(BSF-C)were used to investigate 151 primary caregivers of ICU patients on the questionnaire star platform.Result:There were positive correlation between the total scores of posttraumatic growth and the total scores of disease benefit,interpersonal relationship,personal strength,new possibilities,appreciation of life and mental change,with correlation values of 0.828,0.760,0.800,0.802,0.710 and 0.648,respectively.The survey results showed that the total post-traumatic growth score of ICU patients’main caregivers was(66.735±19.966)points,the item average score was(3.178±0.951)points,the disease benefit total score was(60.642±14.138)points,the item average score was(3.567±0.832)points.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that interpersonal relationship,personal strength,new possibilities,and appreciation of life had significant positive effects on the total score of disease benefit.Mental change had no effect on the total score of disease benefit.Conclusion:The post-traumatic growth of primary caregivers in ICU patients is at a high level,while the sense of disease benefit is at a medium-high level.Medical staff should guide them to adopt positive coping styles and promote the formation of their positive psychological traits.The purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical basis for medical staff to develop intervention measures from the aspect of mental resilience,and to improve the post-traumatic growth and the sense of benefit from illness of ICU patients’primary caregivers.
作者 曾广会 江湖 王国贤 杨平 ZENG Guanghui;JIANG Hu;WANG Guoxian;YANG Ping(The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University,Zunyi 563002,China)
出处 《中外医学研究》 2022年第14期76-80,共5页 CHINESE AND FOREIGN MEDICAL RESEARCH
基金 贵州省卫健委科研项目(gzwjkj2019-1-024) 遵义市科学技术局资金项目(遵市科合HZ字(2020)119号)。
关键词 重症监护患者 主要照顾者 创伤后成长 疾病获益感 影响因素 Patients in ICU Primary caregiver Post-traumatic growth Sense of benefit from disease Influence factor
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