

A Study of the Images of Americans in the Essays Written by Wu Luqin in the 1950s and the 1970s
摘要 1950年代到1970年代吴鲁芹经历了从访美学者到工作定居的美国生活,此期间他笔下的美国人形象各有侧重点,具有差异性,呈现出五十年代认同肯定,七十年代更为中肯客观的特点。这与他身份视角转变、当时国际环境的变化以及中华文化身份的认同密切相关。吴鲁芹始终以“自我”为出发点,通过对“他者”进行观察去感知美国人的民俗文化,从而塑造了形形色色的美国人形象。 From the 1950s to the 1970s, Wu Luqin lived in America, turning from a visiting scholar to someone who resided and settled there. During that period, the images of the Americans he wrote about were many-sided and different, in a way that it was more affirmative about them in the 1950s and more objective and pertinent in the 1970s, which is closely related to the change of his identity vision,of the international circumstances, and his identity as a Chinese. Consistently, Wu Luqin,with his‘self’as a starting point, and in his observation of‘the other,’felt about the folk culture of the Americans, creating many different images of the Americans.
作者 邹丰楠 Zou Fengnan
出处 《华文文学》 2022年第3期39-44,共6页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 旅美华人文学 吴鲁芹 美国人形象 Literature of Chinese sojourning in America Wu Luqin images of Americans
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