

On the Stylistic Attributes of“Harmonic and Concealed Irony”and“Novel”in Liu Xie's Wenxin Diaolong
摘要 有学者以《文心雕龙》中“谐隐”与“小说”存在密切关联来审视刘勰的小说观念,主要依据刘勰所说“然文辞之有谐隐,譬九流之有小说”“至魏文因俳说以著笑书”二语。其实,谐隐是一种结构比较整饬的有韵文辞,而小说还算不得是一种文体;谐隐多创作于庙堂之上和文人之手,而小说多出于街谈巷语与道听途说。在文献分类上,谐隐于《汉志》入诗赋略杂赋类,于《隋志》入集部总集类,文学性较强;小说于《汉志》入诸子略小说家类,于《隋志》入子部小说类。俳说属于谐隐,俳优小说是类似赋体文学的一种谐隐文辞。因俳说而造的《笑书》,不是形式上的拟作,而是悦怿性的相通。但悦怿性的相通并不能作为谐隐与小说密切关联的依据,尽管悦怿性是谐隐和《笑林》类小说共同具有的特性。因为《笑林》入《隋志》小说类的依据并不是因为其具有悦怿性,而依然是依据其所记笑话故事来源于街谈巷语的缘故。因此,以悦怿性作为谐隐与小说关联的凭借是不可靠的,即谐隐与小说在汉魏六朝时期还不存在文体性质上的关联。 Some scholars examine Liu Xie's novel concept on the basis of the close relationship between“harmonic and concealed irony”and“novel”in Wenxin Diaolong,which is mainly based on Liu Xie's saying that“Just as there is harmonic and concealed irony in prose,so is novel in folklore.”and“Emperor Weiwen compiled The Book of Laugh with playful speeches.”In fact,harmonic and concealed irony is a kind of rhyming words with a neat structure,and novel is not a literary style;harmonic and concealed irony is mostly created by officials and literati,while novel is mostly out of street talk and hearsay.In terms of literature classification,harmonic and concealed irony with more literariness is included in other prose of poetry and prose in Hanzhi,and in general collection of literary collection in Suizhi;novel belongs to the novelist of school of thought in Hanzhi,and is included in novel of school of thought in Suizhi.Playful speeches belong to harmonic and concealed irony,and comedian novel is a kind of harmonic and concealed ironic prose similar to prose literature.The Book of Laugh based on playful speeches is not an imitation of form,but shows the connection of pleasing style.However,the connection of pleasing style is not the evidence of close relation between harmonic and concealed irony and novel,even pleasing style is the common attribute of harmonic and concealed irony and novels like The Book of Laugh.Because The Book of Laugh is included in Suizhi not for its pleasing style,but for the reason that the jokes and stories in it come from street talk.So it's not reliable to take pleasing style as the evidence for the connection between harmonic and concealed irony and novel,that is,in the Six Dynasties period,there was no connection of literary genre between harmonic and concealed irony and novel.
作者 孔德明 Kong Deming
出处 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期78-88,共11页 Journal of Changzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“二十五史《艺文志》著录小说资料集解”(11AZD062)。
关键词 《文心雕龙》 谐隐 小说 俳优小说 文体 Wenxin Diaolong harmonic and concealed irony novel comedian novel literary genre
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