
锯齿尾缘在风电机组降噪工程上的应用 被引量:1

Application of Serrated Trailing Edge to Noise Reduction of Wind Turbine
摘要 风电机组装机日益增加,风机安装位置日益靠近居民区,风机运行产生的噪声问题日益凸显,风机降噪技术逐步受到重视。改变风机叶片的尾缘结构是一种有效降低风机噪声的技术,文章以加装锯齿尾缘的风机为研究对象,通过GB/T 22516《风力发电机组噪声测量方法》规定的测试方法,测定了加装锯齿前后的风机运行噪声,并分析了风机噪声的频谱特性。结果表明,加装的锯齿结构在不同风速下均具有降噪效果,8 m/s风速下的降噪效果为4.7 dB(A)。此外,该锯齿结构在中低频段降噪效果较好,其中在250 Hz频率降噪5.5 dB(A),高频段噪声略有升高。 With more wind turbines built,there have been growing complaints about their locations closer to residential areas and the noise.Therefore,increasing attention has been paid to noise reduction techniques and changing the trailing edge structure of the blade is an effective one.In this paper,the method stipulated in GB/T 22516 is used to test the noise of the wind turbine before and after adding serration to the trailing edge.According to the noise analysis,theserrated trailing edge has good noise reduction effect,the best of which is 4.7 dB(A)when the speed is 8 m/s;the effect is generally better for the low and middle frequency bandwith 5.5 dB(A)for 250 Hz,while the noise increases slightly in the high frequency band.
作者 徐玉龙 袁晓东 李必伟 赵耀 纪胜强 XU Yulong;YUAN Xiaodong;LI Biwei;ZHAO Yao;JI Shengqiang(China Datang Corporation Anhui Branch, Hefei 230088, China;China Datang Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co. , Ltd.East China Electric Power & Research Institute, Hefei 230088, China)
出处 《安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期72-76,共5页 Journal of Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College
关键词 风电机组 降噪 气动噪声 叶片 锯齿尾缘 wind turbine noise reduction aerodynamic noise blade serrated trailing edge
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