

The Generation of National Hero Model: A Study on Sun Yat Sen’s State Funeral in 1925 and Its Report and Publicity
摘要 本文以孙中山先生1925年国葬仪式与相关的新闻报道为研究对象,分析了国民党对葬礼的政治运作以及民间报刊、国民党党报对国葬的相关报道,研究发现,孙中山逝世之际,民间报刊创造了一个自由而多元的舆论空间,对他生前的评价有赞誉有贬斥,评说间可见孙中山形象的歧异,与当时国民党的尴尬地位恰相映照。历经连年的军阀混战,社会也召唤“伟人”出现来终结混乱的局面,实现南北和平。在弥漫的民族主义浓厚气氛中,民间报刊基于民族情感将孙中山建构为“民国伟人”,报道了社会各界的哀悼和纪念,并向民众宣示了再创共和、建设新的民族国家的政治信念。国民党通过纪念空间(中山陵的设计方案的公开征集与中山陵修建等)、仪式操演(总理纪念周)等多种技术形式将总理神圣化。新生的党报则配合党的政治任务,以超常的报道数量、二元对立的民族主义宣传话语,塑造了孙中山的国家英雄形象,并在此基础上树立政党威信与建构国家民族认同。 Taking Sun Yat Sen’s 1925 state funeral ceremony and relevant news reports as the research object, this paper analyzes the political operation of the Kuomintang on the funeral and the relevant reports of the state funeral in the folk newspapers and Kuomintang newspapers. It is found that at the time of Sun Yat Sen’s death, the folk newspapers created a free and diversified public opinion space, praising and denouncing his evaluation, It can be seen from the comments that the differences in Sun Yat Sen’s image “reflected” the embarrassing position of the Kuomintang at that time. After years of warlord scuffle, society also called on “great men” to end the chaos and realize north-south peace. In the strong atmosphere of nationalism, based on national feelings, folk newspapers and periodicals constructed Sun Yat Sen as a “great man of the Republic of China”, reported the mourning and commemoration of all sectors of society, and declared to the people their political belief in creating a new republic and building a new nation-state. The KMT passed the memorial space(public solicitation of the design scheme of Zhongshan Mausoleum and the construction of Zhongshan Mausoleum, etc.) and ceremony drill(Premier’s memorial week) and other technical forms sanctify the premier. The new party newspaper cooperates with the party’s political tasks, shapes Sun Yat Sen’s national hero image with an extraordinary number of reports and binary opposition Nationalist propaganda words, and establishes the party’s prestige and national identity on this basis.
作者 董书华 Dong Shuhua
出处 《新闻春秋》 CSSCI 2022年第2期80-95,共16页 Journalism Evolution
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“20世纪早期国葬报道与民族国家的建构研究(1908-1929)”(批准号2019FXWB002) 浙江理工大学线上线下混合课程建设项目“融媒体时代新闻写作线上线下教学模式的构建与实践”(批准号XMJWCb20200078) 浙江理工大学2021年教育教学改革资助项目“数字媒体环境下《新闻学概论》课程教学改革研究”。
关键词 国家英雄 国葬 党葬 党报 民族主义宣传 National hero State funeral Party funeral Communist party newspaper Nationalist propaganda
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