
陶身体教室:“关注更多人的身体”——陶冶访谈 被引量:1

TAO Studio:“Bring Awareness to More People about Their Bodies”:Interview with Tao Ye
摘要 2021年2月陶身体教室成立,致力于陶身体剧场圆运动体系的研究及现代舞的公共推广。陶身体教室在其成立的一年里,以“关注更多人的身体”为主旨,面向公众推出了十期课程,共有500多位来自不同行业的人士参与其中。在2022年陶身体教室即将开始新一轮课程之际,本刊对陶身体剧场创始人、艺术总监陶冶进行了独家专访。访谈内容涉及教学与陶身体剧场艺术创作理念之联系;公益教学产生可持续发展之所需;圆运动体系与传统舞蹈之内在联系;教学与表演两个层面上,不同文化背景的受众对圆运动体系接受之差异;素人对于圆运动体系的接受以及宏观层面舞蹈能够以怎样的方式渗透到大众日常生活、服务于全民教育;数字化转型对表演艺术的影响;在未来应如何进一步推进现代舞的普及与传播以及陶身体教室未来的规划。 Established in February 2021, TAO Studio is dedicated to the research of the “yuan(circular/circling) movement system” signature of the TAO Dance Theatre and the public education of modern dance. A year after it was first established, with the mission of “bringing awareness to more people about their bodies, ” TAO Studio successfully launched ten sessions to the public, with nearly 500 people from all walks of life participating. In 2022, when TAO Studio is just about to begin another round of class offerings, the Journal of Beijing Dance Academy conducted an exclusive interview with Tao Ye, the founder and artistic director of TAO Dance Theatre. Topics of the interview include: the choreographic-pedagogical relationship of Tao Dance Theatre;the resources required for the sustainable development of public education;the internal relationship between the “yuan movement system” and traditional Chinese dance;the differences in how the “yuan movement system” is received by people of different cultural backgrounds, both in terms of performance and teaching;the reception of the “yuan movement system” by amateurs and how dance can be of service to the masses at the macro level;the influence of digital transformation on the performing arts;the ways to further popularize and disseminate modern dance in the future, and the future plans of TAO Studio.
作者 陶冶 蔡烁 TAO Ye;CAI Shuo(TAO Dance Theatre,Beijing 100103;Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期25-33,共9页 Journal of Beijing Dance Academy
关键词 陶身体剧场 陶身体教室 圆运动体系 陶冶 现代舞 身体 TAO Dance Theatre TAO Studio Circular Movement System Tao Ye modern dance body
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