
国内芭蕾专业辅助训练教学研究 被引量:1

On the Development of Ballet Auxiliary Training Teaching in China
摘要 芭蕾的辅助训练是与芭蕾舞专业基础教学紧密结合不可或缺的组成部分,在日常芭蕾基础训练中起到辅助教学的作用。无论是从芭蕾专业在国内建立初始,还是在芭蕾教学更加注重科学训练的今天,辅助训练一直与芭蕾基础教学相伴相随。20世纪七八十年代随着国外舞蹈科学训练理念的引入,舞蹈的科学训练概念在国内开始得到认识和普及,并被运用于课堂训练之中,作为提高教学效果、帮助学生掌握技术动作和提高身体机能等的有效训练手段和方法。这一认识虽逐渐得到专业教师的关注,却还没有引起广泛的重视和全面纳入教学课程体系建设中。 Auxiliary training of ballet is an indispensable part of the basic teaching of ballet major. It plays an auxiliary role in the daily basic training of ballet. Since the establishment of ballet major in China, the auxiliary training has been accompanied by the basic teaching of ballet. However, the development of auxiliary training methods and concepts in domestic colleges and universities is slow, and they have long remained at the stage of continuing traditional training methods. With the introduction of foreign dance scientific concepts in the 1970 s and 1980 s, scientific auxiliary training has attracted the attention of professional teachers, and has gradually been applied in teaching as an effective training method to improve teaching, techniques and movements, physical function, etc. Nevertheless, due to various reasons such as curriculum setting, deficiency in professional teachers and lack of systematic cognition, it has not yet attracted extensive attention and not been fully incorporated into the construction of teaching and curriculum system. By investigating the auxiliary training situation in domestic professional colleges and universities, this paper aims to explore the significance of scientific auxiliary training for the comprehensive ability and vocational education of ballet dancers, and put forward ideas and suggestions for improving the domestic ballet teaching system.
作者 张玉萍 王愈 ZHANG Yu-ping;WANG Yu(Beijing Dance Academy,Beijing 100081;Nanjing University of the Arts,Nanjing 210013,China)
出处 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期119-124,共6页 Journal of Beijing Dance Academy
基金 2020-2021年度北京舞蹈学院校级科研项目“芭蕾辅助训练发展研究”(项目编号0620020/037)的阶段性成果。
关键词 芭蕾教学 辅助训练 科学训练 ballet teaching auxiliary training scientific training
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