

Research on the Professional Development of Pre-service Teachers Majoring in Primary Education from the Perspective of TPACK
摘要 后疫情时代,信息技术与教育教学结合的重要性不言而喻,发展职前教师的信息技术能力,并促进职前教师各方面教育素质的成长,成为现今的重要话题。文章以地处浙西南的丽水学院小学教育专业112位职前教师为例,通过问卷调查和交流访谈等方式对职前教师TPACK各维度的发展状况进行分析,找到当前职前教师专业发展存在的主要问题。在此基础上,提出促进职前教师TK、CK、PK发展的建议,即通过增加职前教师在实践中使用信息技术的机会等途径促进职前教师TK发展;通过加强学校对课程标准解读课程开设的重视等方式促进职前教师CK发展;通过组织职前教师集体研讨名师课堂教学实践案例等活动促进职前教师PK的发展。 In the post-epidemic era, the importance of combining information technology with education and teaching is self-evident. Developing pre-service teachers’ information technology capabilities and promoting the growth of their educational quality in all aspects has become an important topic today. Taking 112 pre-service teachers majoring in primary education in Lishui College in southwestern Zhejiang as an example, this paper analyzes the development status of pre-service teachers in various dimensions of TPACK through questionnaires and interviews, in order to find out the main problems existing in pre-service teachers’ professional development. On this basis, suggestions for promoting the development of TK, CK and PK of pre-service teachers are put forward,namely, to promote the development of TK of pre-service teachers by increasing the opportunities for them to use information technology in practice, to promote the development of CK of pre-service teachers by strengthening the interpretation of curriculum standards by the school and laying emphasis on curriculum arrangement, and to promote the development of PK of pre-service teachers by organizing them to discuss the classroom teaching practice cases of famous teachers.
作者 徐忠奇 赵静华 XU Zhongqi;ZHAO Jinghua
出处 《科教文汇》 2022年第13期19-22,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2021度年丽水学院乡村教育专项课题“‘两山’视野下山区名师培养路径探究”(编号:20210020) 2020年度浙江省丽水市“绿谷名校长及绿谷名教师培养工程”项目(编号:2020MXZ0030)。
关键词 TPACK 小学教育专业 职前教师 专业发展 TPACK primary education major pre-service teachers professional development
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