
中缅边境新型毒品滥用者社会支持现状及影响因素对比分析 被引量:1

A Comparative Analysis of the Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Social Support for New Drug Abusers on the China-Myanmar Border
摘要 目的:明晰中缅边境男性青少年新型毒品滥用者的社会支持现状,比较两地男性青少年新型毒品滥用者社会支持现状。方法:于2017年在德宏州陇川县戒毒所及瑞丽市戒毒所进行研究,研究对象皆为25周岁以下吸食新型毒品或新型毒品和传统毒品混合使用者,共纳入102人,主要采用社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行社会支持的测量,并收集基本的人口学变量,采用多元线性回归分析青少年新型毒品滥用者社会支持的影响因素。结果:中国边境男性青少年新型毒品滥用者在客观支持、支持利用度,以及总分的得分均要高于缅甸籍(P<0.05)。中国籍青少年新型毒品滥用者主观支持得分受文化程度影响(P<0.05),支持利用度受户籍类型以及家庭成员数影响(P<0.05),总分情况受年龄及婚姻状况影响(P<0.05);缅甸籍青少年新型毒品滥用者客观支持得分受文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭收入及是否接受毒品/艾滋病知识培训的影响(P<0.05);主观支持得分受户籍类型及婚姻状况影响,总分受家庭收入的影响(P<0.05)。结论:中国籍青少年的社会支持总得分好于缅甸籍。对缅甸籍需要加强经济上的支持以及毒品/艾滋病知识的培训,对中国籍需要加强家庭支持。通过加强禁毒宣传教育,减轻毒品危害。 Objective: To clarify the current situation of social support for male adolescent new drug abusers on the ChinaMyanmar border and to compare the current situation of social support for male adolescent new drug abusers in the two regions. Methods: The study was conducted in Longchuan county drug rehabilitation center of Dehong prefecture and Ruili city drug rehabilitation center in 2017. The subjects were all under 25 years old with new drugs or mixed users of new drugs and traditional drugs. A total of 102 people were included. Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS) was used to measure social support, and basic demographic variables were collected. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of social support for adolescent new drug abusers. Results: Chinese border male adolescent new drug abusers scored higher than their Burmese counterparts in objective support, support utilisation and total score(P<0.05).The subjective support score of Chinese adolescent new drug abusers was influenced by education level(P<0.05), support utilisation was influenced by household registration type and number of family members(P<0.05), and the total score was influenced by age and marital status(P<0.05);the objective support score of Burmese adolescent new drug abusers was influenced by education level, marital status, household income and whether they had received training on drugs and HIV/AIDS(P<0.05);the subjective support score was influenced by household registration type and The subjective support score was influenced by household registration type and marital status(P<0.05), and the total score was influenced by household income(P<0.05). Conclusion: The overall score of social support for Chinese youth is better than that of Burmese. There is a need to strengthen financial support and drug/HIV awareness training for Burmese nationals, and family support for Chinese nationals. The harm of drugs can be reduced by strengthening anti-drug awareness and education.
作者 李海东 冯林宏 陈政吉 刘伟 LI Haidong;FENG Linhong;CHEN Zhengji;LIU Wei(School of public health,Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650000,Yunnan,China)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2022年第5期552-556,共5页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:81860607) 云南省创新团队培育项目(编号:202005AE160002)。
关键词 社会支持 毒品 男性青少年 Social support Drugs Male teenagers
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