
短期结构式心理教育干预对小耳畸形外耳再造术患者疼痛、依从性及心理弹性的影响 被引量:7

Effects of short-term structural psychoeducational intervention on pain,compliance,and resilience of microtia patients undergoing external ear reconstruction
摘要 目的探讨短期结构式心理教育干预对小耳畸形外耳再造术患者疼痛、依从性及心理弹性的影响。方法选取2020年6月至2021年6月在中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院接受治疗的小耳畸形患者120例作为研究对象。依据随机数字表法将其分为观察组与对照组,每组各60例。围手术期对照组实施常规护理干预,观察组采用短期结构式心理教育干预。比较两组各期术后患者不同时间点疼痛程度;干预前后比较两组心理情况、依从性。结果两组各期术后2、24及36 h视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分主体内效应比较与主体间效应比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组组内各期术后VAS评分比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);组间比较,观察组各期术后2、24及36 h VAS评分均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)评分高于干预前,焦虑自评量表(SAS)及抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分低于干预前,且观察组CD-RISC评分高于对照组,SAS及SDS评分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组依从性优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论短期结构式心理教育干预可显著缓解小耳畸形患者术后疼痛,并提高其心理弹性及依从性。 Objective To explore the effect of short-term structured psychoeducational intervention on pain,compliance,and resilience of microtia patients undergoing external ear reconstruction.Methods A total of 120 patients with microtia treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University of the People’s Liberation Army from June 2020 to June 2021 were selected as the research objects.According to the random number table method,they were divided into observation group and control group,with 60 cases in each group.The perioperative control group received routine nursing intervention;the observation group used short-term structured psychological education intervention.The degree of pain at different time points was compared between the two groups;the pain degree of the two groups at different postoperative points was compared.The psychological situation and compliance of the two groups were compared before and after intervention.Results Visual analog scale(VAS)scores at 2,24,and 36 h after surgery were compared between intra-subject effect and inter-subject effect,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05);comparison of postoperative VAS scores between the two groups,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);the VAS scores of the observation group were lower than those of the control group at 2,24,and 36 h after surgery,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05),the psychological resilience scale(CD-RISC)scores of the two groups were higher than before the intervention,the self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)and self-rating depression scale(SDS)scores were lower than before the intervention;CD-RISC score of observation group was higher than control group,SAS and SDS scores were lower than control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05);the compliance of observation group was better than control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Short-term structured psychological education intervention can significantly alleviate the postoperative pain of patients with microtia and improve their psychological elasticity and compliance.
作者 赵飞飞 朱星艳 蔡艳丽 ZHAO Feifei;ZHU Xingyan;CAI Yanli(Department of Plastic Surgery,the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University of Chinese People’s Liberation Army,Shaanxi Province,Xi’an 710032,China)
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2022年第18期158-161,169,共5页 China Medical Herald
关键词 短期结构式心理教育干预 小耳畸形 心理弹性 依从性 Short-term structured psychological education intervention Microtia Psychological elasticity Compliance
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