
我国职业本科研究的热点与趋势——基于CiteSpace文本统计可视化分析 被引量:1

Hot Spots and Trends of Vocational Undergraduate Studies in China——Visual Analysis of Text Statistics Based on CiteSpace
摘要 职业本科作为培养高层次技术技能型人才的重要手段,其学术研究经历了20年的发展,积聚了300多篇学术期刊文献。结合CiteSpace统计分析软件进行文本统计和可视化分析,考察我国职业本科研究在时间上以2012年、2019年为节点分成三个研究阶段,每个研究阶段的热点都紧跟国家层面相关职业本科的政策文本,尽管各阶段热点各有不同但研究逐渐聚焦细化。研究发现,一方面关于我国职业本科的现有研究在“研究机构”和“研究作者”方面目前暂未形成合作格局,在“研究机构”层面呈现出以教育部首批公布的15所本科试点院校为核心,在“研究作者”层面呈现出以海南科技职业大学谢林为核心节点和以广西城市职业大学的唐臣、黎其健等自身为核心节点的研究网络。另一方面,关于我国职业本科未来的研究热点在“应用型”“技术技能”“专业建设”和“岗位定位”四个方向,这四个方向通过突现词分析可以发现,最新的研究热点集中表现为:职业本科是发展我国高等职业教育的重要形式之一,如何能够找准办学定位,完善人才培养模式并最终促进我国职业教育发展。 As an important way to cultivate high-level and high-quality technical and skilled talents in China, there are more than 300 academic journal papers on vocational undergraduate studies after more than 20years of development. CiteSpace statistical analysis software was used to analyze text statistics and visual data.The research stage of vocational undergraduate studies in China could be divided into three research stages with 2012 and 2019 as the nodes, and it was found that the hot spots in each research stage closely followed the policy text of relevant vocational undergraduate policies at the national level. Although the hot spots in each stage are different, the research is gradually refined. It is found that, on the one hand, there is no cooperation pattern between "research institutions" and "research authors" in the existing research on vocational undergraduate education in China. At the level of "research institutions", the core of the research institutions is the first batch of 15 pilot undergraduate universities announced by the Ministry of Education. At the level of "research authors",there is a research network with Xie Lin from Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology as the core node and Tang Chen and Li Qijian from Guangxi City Vocational University as the core node. In addition,the main research hot spots for the future development of vocational undergraduates in China lie in the four dimensions of "application-oriented", "technical skills", "professional construction" and "position positioning".Through the analysis of the four dimensions, it can be seen that the latest research hot spots are: vocational undergraduate as one of the important forms of developing higher vocational education in our country,and how to find the correct orientation of running a school, perfect the talent training mode and finally promote the development of vocational education in our country.
作者 贾超 JIA Chao(Institute of Education Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《武汉职业技术学院学报》 2022年第3期27-34,共8页 Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic
关键词 职业本科 办学层次 文本统计 文献综述 vocational undergraduate school-running level text statistics literature review
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