【目的】城市化进程加剧了城市绿地的破碎化,严重威胁了城市鸟类多样性,河流生态廊道在鸟类栖息地保护方面起到重要作用。然而,各类群鸟类多样性受多尺度环境因子的共同影响,针对不同类群的城市生态廊道鸟类栖息地格局优化与栖息地营造亟待理论研究的支撑。本文在分析北京温榆河生态廊道春季鸟类物种构成特征的基础上,对景观格局、栖息地斑块和微栖息地3个尺度下的环境因子对各类群鸟类物种构成的影响进行综合分析,以期深入了解影响鸟类栖息地选择的环境因素,为城市鸟类多样性保护和城市河流生态廊道栖息地建设提供参考。【方法】于2019年春季对温榆河生态廊道内部鸟类物种构成和植物群落结构特征进行实地调研,并对流域栖息地类型进行目视解译和格局分析,通过冗余分析法(RDA)对鸟类物种构成特征与多尺度环境因子的相关性进行分析。【结果】50~200 m内的景观格局环境因子对廊道内鸟类总体物种构成解释度最高。鸣禽类群物种构成与微栖息地内的乔木均匀度、小范围内的水体、湿地面积以及较大范围内的草地、落叶林地相关指数相关;陆禽类群物种构成与耕地和灌丛相关;游禽和涉禽类群物种构成与较小范围内的水体面积、湿地面积相关;猛禽与湿地水体相关性强。相同生态类群下不同居留型鸟类与环境因子之间的相关关系存在差异。多数鸟类的多度与100 m范围内湿地面积、湿地最大斑块占比和湿地结合度以及2 000 m范围内水体分离度等指数正相关。【结论】不同类群鸟类与各环境因子的关系存在差异,但水体和湿地相关指数对河流生态廊道内各生态类群鸟类均有影响。在未来的城市生态廊道建设中,建议考虑不同类群鸟类的栖息地偏好,注重廊道内部湿地水体格局的优化,针对目标物种开展鸟类栖息地营造与保护工作。
[Objective] In recent years, urban green space is increasingly fragmented because of urbanization, which seriously threatens urban bird diversity. River ecological corridor plays an important role in the protection of urban bird habitats. However, the diversity of different ecological community of birds is influenced by environmental factors at multiple scales. The habitat pattern optimization and habitat construction of birds in urban ecological corridors for specific ecological community need the support of theoretical research urgently. Based on the analysis of bird species composition in Beijing Wenyu River ecological corridor in spring, we comprehensively analyzed the effects of environmental factors on bird species composition of different ecological communities at three scales of landscape pattern, habitat patch and micro-habitat, in order to understand the impact of environmental factors on bird habitat selection, and provide reference for bird diversity protection and habitat construction of urban river ecological corridors.[Method] In the spring of 2019, we conducted a field survey of bird species composition and plant community structure in the Wenyu River ecological corridor. Landscape pattern analysis was conducted after visual interpretation of the habitats in the corridor. Redundant analysis(RDA) was used to analyze the correlation between bird species composition and multi-scale environmental factors. [Result] The pattern characteristics within 50-200 m had the highest interpretation for the overall composition of birds. The composition of songbirds was mainly related to the Pielou index of trees in the community, the area of water and wetland within a small range, and some indexes of grassland and deciduous forest within a large range.The composition of terrestrial bird was mainly related to cropland and shrub. The composition of swimming birds and wading birds had a strong correlation with water body area and wetland area within a small range.The composition of raptorial birds was associated with wetland waters. In same ecological community, the composition of different reside pattern birds had different correlations with environmental factors. Most bird abundance was positively correlated with wetland area, wetland largest patch index and wetland cohesion index within 100 m, and waterbody splitting index within 2 000 m. [Conclusion] The relationship between birds of different ecological communities and various environmental factors is diverse, but the indices of water body and wetland have influence on birds of all ecological communities in the river ecological corridor. In the future construction of urban ecological corridors, we suggest to consider the habitat preferences of different bird communities, pay attention to the optimization of the habitat pattern of wetland water in corridors, and carry out the construction and protection of bird habitats for targeted species.
Zhang Mengyuan;Ran Chengcheng;Teng Yuxin;Hao Peiyao;Dong Li(School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment,National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
Journal of Beijing Forestry University