
新中国农村集体土地制度形成和演进的历史逻辑以及若干热点问题探究 被引量:8

The Historical Logic of the Formation and Evolution of Rural Collective Land System in New China and Research on Several Hot Topics
摘要 本文运用唯物史观基本原理,依据中国现代化发展的起步、起飞和繁荣成果全民共享这三大阶段客观发展要求,回答了农村集体土地制度为什么能横跨计划经济和市场经济两大时期而存在和发展,以及其形成和演进的内在逻辑和制度绩效。计划经济时期以合作社—人民公社体制运行的农村集体土地制度,为中国现代化起步确保了资本原始积累的农业剩余来源;市场经济时期以家庭承包经营体制运行的农村集体土地制度,为中国现代化起飞提供了可靠的“三农”保障;现时农民土地权益矛盾冲突的新难题,要根据集体土地制度的内在规定性,探索破解的基本途径;农村集体土地制度发展的历史逻辑,预示着未来的可能变动和前景。总之,中国农村集体土地制度,不仅适应于、服务于中国现代化的起步和起飞,支撑中国人民“站起来”和“富起来”,而且正在以其内在规定性弥补发展不平衡不充分中的“三农”短板,助推中国人民“强起来”;让亿万农民均等按份共有总计占国土面积近60%的集体土地资源所有权,共享繁荣成果,最终实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。 China’s Rural Collective Land System(RCLS or System) is an indispensable key content for learning the history of the Socialist Development,the history of the Party,the history of New China,and the history of China’s Reform and Opening up.New China’s economic history can be divided into two periods,namely,a planned economy and a market economy.From another point of view,there are three phases in China’s modernization development,namely,the phase of the start,take-off,and sharing the prosperity by all.Based on the principles of historical materialism,together with the objective development requirements of the three phases,this article answers why RCLS can exist across the two periods and gain development,explains the internal logic of the formation and evolution of the System,and evaluates the performance of the System.During the planned economy period,the RCLS operated by the People’s Commune ensured the source of agricultural surplus with the primitive accumulation of capital for the start of China’s modernization.During the period of market economy,the RCLS operated by the household contract management system provided a reliable guarantee for China’s modernization.At present,the new problem of the contradiction and conflicts of farmers’ land rights and interests should be explored according to the inherent stipulations(internal logic) of the RCLS.The historical logic of the RCLS development indicates possible changes and prospects of the System in the future.In short,the RCLS has adapted to and served the start and take-off of China’s modernization,thus supporting the Chinese people to stand up and become rich.Further,through its inherent stipulations,the System is making up for the shortcomings of “agriculture,rural areas and farmers” in the unbalanced and inadequate development.Hence,hundreds of millions of farmers are able to equally share the ownership of collective land resources accounting for nearly 60% of China’s total land area,share the fruits of take-off and prosperity and finally realize China’s dream of national rejuvenation.
作者 程漱兰 李爽 CHENG Shulan;LI Shuang
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期19-31,共13页 China Rural Survey
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“农村集体土地管理问题研究”(编号:08BJY099)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 农村集体土地制度 内在逻辑 唯物史观 新中国史 Rural Collective Land System Internal Logic Historical Materialism the History of New China
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