
糖基化终产物对糖尿病患者牙周组织相关细胞影响的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress on the effects of glycation end products advanced on periodontal tissue related cells in patients with diabetes mellitus
摘要 DM是以高血糖为特征的慢性代谢性疾病,是导致死亡的非传染病之一。DM患者因高血糖加速产生AGEs,AGEs大量蓄积对机体造成损害。牙周病是DM第六大并发症,DM显著增加牙周炎风险。AGEs是DM患者牙周病重要致病因子,对牙周组织造成不良影响。本文就AGEs对DM患者牙周组织相关细胞影响的研究进展进行综述。 Diabetes mellitus(DM)is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose,which is one of the main non-communicable diseases leading to death worldwide.Glycation end products advanced(AGEs)can be produced in large quantities in DM patients,gradually accumulate over time and cause damage.Periodontal disease is the sixth complication of DM,and DM can significantly increase the risk of periodontitis.AGEs are the important pathogenic factors for periodontal disease in patients with DM,and they can cause adverse effects on periodontal tissues.This paper reviews the research progress of AGEs seffects on periodontal tissue related cells in patients with DM.
作者 范小溪 陈敏慜 谢晓莉 FAN Xiaoxi;CHEN Minmin;XIE Xiaoli(Department of Endodontics,Hunan Xiangya Stomatological Hospital Central South University,Changsha 410008,China)
出处 《中国糖尿病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期387-390,共4页 Chinese Journal of Diabetes
基金 湖南省自然科学基金(S2019JJQNJJ2424)。
关键词 糖尿病 糖基化终产物 牙周组织 Diabetes mellitus Glycation end products advanced Periodontal tissue
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