
帝权之后:规范等级体系与亚洲制度竞争 被引量:2

After Imperium:Normative Hierarchy and Asian Institutional Competition
摘要 美国因素通常被认为是亚洲制度竞争产生和演变的关键变量,但这一观点无法解释在1997年以后和2017年以后亚洲地区合作中出现的差异性现象。为了准确、完整地理解美国因素的影响,文章从帝权作用机制和规范等级体系概念出发,探讨规范等级体系变动下地区制度竞争的形态和演变。具体来说,在帝权巩固阶段,作为基本规范的国际制度与作为一般规范的地区制度构成明显的规范等级体系;随着帝权趋于衰落,地区制度与国际制度的规范关系由遵从转向超越,地区制度竞争形态也随之发生相应的变化。亚洲贸易合作起步较早,经历了美国在地区制度介入问题上积极或消极态度的反复,显示了规范等级体系巩固、动摇、重构、瓦解的完整轨迹,因此可作为检验规范等级体系影响地区制度竞争的案例。文章通过回顾20世纪末至今亚洲贸易合作在不同阶段的特征发现,规范等级体系变动是影响亚洲制度竞争的决定性因素,而美国介入地区制度与否只能起到加快或减缓制度竞争进程的作用。文章一方面证明美国相对衰落后,国际制度对大国合作的推动是有条件的;另一方面,我们必须关注地区制度竞争,特别是异规博弈可能出现的极端化趋势,避免地区行为体从关于不同规范的路线之争逐渐固化为不同制度集团的身份之争。 The American factor is generally regarded as the key variable for the emergence and evolution of Asian institutional competition,but this view cannot explain the differences in Asian regional cooperation after 1997and after 2017.In order to accurately and completely understand the influence of American factors,this paper discusses the form and evolution of regional institutional competition under the change of normative hierarchy from the perspective of the mechanism of imperium power and the concept of normative hierarchy.Specifically,in the stage of Imperium power consolidation,the international system as the basic norm and the regional system as the general norm constitute an obvious normative hierarchy relationship;with the decline of Imperium power,the normative relationship between regional system and international system has changed from compliance to transcendence,and the competition form of regional system has also changed accordingly.Asian trade cooperation started earlier and experienced the repeated positive or negative attitudes of the United States on regional institutional intervention,showing a complete track of consolidation,shaking,reconstruction and collapse of normative hierarchy relationship.Therefore,it can be used as a case to test the influence of normative hierarchy relationship on regional institutional competition.By reviewing the characteristics of Asian trade cooperation at different stages from the end of the 20th century to the present,this paper finds that the change of normative hierarchy is the decisive factor affecting Asian institutional competition,and whether the United States intervenes in regional institutions can only accelerate or slow down the process of institutional competition.On the one hand,the findings of this paper prove that the international system is conditional to promote the cooperation between great powers.On the other hand,we must pay attention to the possible extreme trend of regional institutional competition,especially the game of different norms,so as to avoid the gradual solidification of regional actors from the line of different norms into the identity of different institutional groups.
作者 沈陈 Shen Chen(the Institute of World Economics and Politics at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期65-86,144,145,共24页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“发展中国家地位问题的新进展与中国应对研究”(项目批准号:20CGJ001)的阶段性成果。
关键词 亚洲地区合作 规范等级体系 制度竞争 自由贸易谈判 美国因素 Asia Regional Cooperation Normative Hierarchy Institutional Competition Free Trade Negotiation American Factor
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