
基于人工智能出行算法的网约合乘行为法律规制 被引量:1

Legal Regulation of Online Car-hailing and Co-taking Behavior Based on Artificial Intelligence Travel Algorithm
摘要 当代中国基于人工智能出行算法的网约合乘行为主要通过网约信息平台缔结契约,它建立在“云计算”和人工智能技术基础之上,在提高了合乘的社会效益的同时,也产生了较大的社会风险。传统合乘行为是一个简单的民事互助契约法律关系,而网约合乘行为则由于人工智能出行算法提供的便利性,极容易异化为非法出租承运行为。北京、上海、广州、深圳、厦门、杭州等地近年来已经探索出了对网约合乘行为进行规制的有效地方立法经验,本文在这些经验基础上,按照《关于加强互联网信息服务算法综合治理的指导意见》要求,吸收交通部《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》对网络预约出租汽车进行规制的经验和教训,提出由国务院出台“网络预约出租汽车和私人小客车合乘经营服务管理规定”,通过设置“网约合乘信息平台经营性规则”和“网约合乘驾乘缔约约束性规则”的形式,对网约合乘行为的社会风险进行有效控制。 As for the online car-hailing and co-taking behavior based on artificial intelligence travel algorithm in contemporary China, it mainly concludes contracts in line with the online information platform. The establishment of it is based on "cloud computing" and artificial intelligence technology. In addition to enhancing the social benefits of co-taking, this way also generates greater social risks. The simple civil mutual aid contract legal relationship is presented for the traditional co-taking behavior, while the online co-taking behavior is easily alienated into illegal taxi transportation behavior due to the convenience provided by the artificial intelligence travel algorithm.Over the years, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hangzhou and so on have explored effective local legislative experience in regulating online car-hailing and co-taking behavior.In this thesis, the experience was taken as the basis. In line with the requirements of Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Comprehensive Governance of Internet Information Service Algorithms(Informatization Office of the State Council [2021] No. 7), the experience and lessons of the Interim Measures of the Ministry of Transport on the regulation of online car-hailing. The proposal that the State Council should promulgate the "Regulations on the Management of the Co-taking Operation and Service of Online Taxis-and Private Car-hailing" was made. The social risks of the online car-hailing and co-taking behavior can be effectively controlled by setting up the "operational rules of the online co-taking information platform" and "binding rules of the online co-taking and co-driving".
作者 管金平 宋福敏 Guan Jinping;Song Fumin(College of Law,Qufu Normal University,Rizhao,Shandong 276826)
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2022年第6期102-116,共15页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“基于人工智能出行算法的网约合乘行为法律规制研究”(21CFXJ06)。
关键词 人工智能 合乘 网络预约出租汽车 合乘信息平台 artificial intelligence co-taking online car-hailing co-taking information platform
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