
世界卫生组织青年专业职员现状、选送培养经验及启示 被引量:2

Currentsituation,training experience and enlightenment of junior professional officers in the World Health Organization
摘要 目的:定量分析世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)青年专业职员的规模、国别分布和工作地点,总结优势国家的选送和培养经验,为培养并向世界卫生组织输送青年专业职员提供参考。方法:收集建立世界卫生组织2016—2020年青年专业职员数据库并进行分析;通过文献研究总结优势国家的选送和培养经验。结果:(1)世界卫生组织青年专业职员总体规模在增大,选派国在增多;(2)青年专业职员工作地点主要在总部,除美洲区外,其余五个区域办公室也有分布;(3)选送人数较多国家的做法主要为提供招聘信息、与本国高校合作提供培训、建立交流渠道、提供社交经费等。结论:了解世界卫生组织青年专业职员的现状和人才培养与派遣机制的国际经验,可以为中国参与全球卫生治理、构筑战略性多边关系提供参考。 Objectives:To quantitatively analyze the country distribution and working places of WHO’s Junior Professional Officers and summarize the selection and training method of advantageous countries.Provide advice on what China should do to train and recommend young talents to World Health Organization.Methods:Collect and build a database of WHO’s Junior Professional Officers from 2016 to 2020,then analyze it.Summarize the experience of selecting and training Junior Professional Officers in advantageous countries through literature research.Results:(1)The size of WHO’s JPO is increasing.The number of countries sending JPOs is increasing.(2)JPOs work mainly at headquarter.Five regional offices of WHO,except the Americas,also have JPOs working there.(3)The selection and delivery methods of JPOs from countries that have greater numbers of JPOs are mainly to provide recruitment information of JPOs,to provide targeted training in cooperation with domestic universities,to establish a communication platform,and to provide social funding.Conclusion:Understanding the current situation of WHO’s Junior Professional Officers and the international experience of talent training and dispatch mechanism can provide a reference for China to participate in global health governance and build strategic multilateral relations.
作者 吴音格 尹慧 刘佐坤 戚景博 WU Yin-ge;YIN Hui;LIU Zuo-kun;QI Jing-bo(School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期75-80,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 中国—世界卫生组织2020—2021双年度合作项目“全球新冠疫情下卫生安全和应对大流行的热点问题研究”阶段性成果。
关键词 青年专业职员 世界卫生组织 全球卫生 人才培养 Junior professional officer World Health Organization Global health Talent training
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