
近年来思想政治教育话语权研究述评 被引量:1

A Review of Research on Discourse Power in Ideological and Political Education in Recent Years
摘要 掌握思想政治教育话语权是我们党近年来加强意识形态工作、巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位,实现其领导权的重要组成部分。近年来思想政治教育话语权研究一直备受学界关注,其论域主要包括历时性回顾和共时性回顾。其中历时性回顾涉及研究阶段性和历史发展性回顾;共时性回顾涉及思想政治教育话语权概念界定与主要功能、构成要素与影响因素分析、存在问题与原因分析、建设原则等方面。研究结果显示,从研究主体上看,思想政治教育话语权相关研究主体多受限于自身学科背景、年龄层次及所在机构等因素,因此,需加强各个机构研究主体的合作关系,既保证强强联合出优品,也要视野下移,实现跨级别合作,保证思想政治教育话语权的创新发展;从研究范式上看,尚缺乏研究范式的体系性和应用的自觉性;从研究方法上看,目前仍以传统的文献研究法、历史分析法、问卷调查法等为主,因此,实践研究应注重研究方法的系统性,提升思想政治教育话语权研究深度、拓宽其基本面,从而实现研究方法由单一走向多元;从成果形式上看,虽大体呈现多样化特征,但亦需改善研究成果结构不平衡不全面的现象,同时注重高质量学术成果产出,增强成果的权威性和学术价值。 Mastering the discourse power of ideological and political education is an important part of our party to strengthen ideological work in recent years, consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field,and realize its leadership. In recent years, the research on discourse power in ideological and political education has attracted much attention from the academic circles, and its discourse mainly includes diachronic review and synchronic review. The diachronic review involves the historical stage and historical development review;the synchronic review involves the concept definition and main functions of the discourse power in ideological and political education, the analysis of constituent elements and influencing factors, the analysis of existing problems and causes, construction principles, etc. It can be seen that from the perspective of research subjects, the research subjects related to the discourse power of ideological and political education are mostly limited by their own disciplinary background, age level and institutions. To jointly produce excellent products, it is also necessary to move the vision down, realize cross-level cooperation, and ensure the innovative development of the right to speak in ideological and political education;from the perspective of research paradigms, there is still a lack of systematic research paradigms and consciousness of application;from the perspective of research methods,at present, the traditional literature research method, historical analysis method, questionnaire survey method, etc. are still the main methods. Therefore, practical research should focus on the systematicness of research methods, enhance the depth of research on the discourse power of ideological and political education, and broaden its fundamentals, so as to the goal that the research methods charge from Singleness to diversification;in terms of the form of results, although it generally presents the characteristics of diversification, it is also necessary to improve the unbalanced and incomplete structure of research results, and at the same time, focus on the output of high-quality academic achievements, and enhance the authority and academic value of the results.
作者 阮云志 周静 RUAN Yunzhi;ZHOU Jing
出处 《决策与信息》 2022年第7期54-66,共13页 Decision & Information
基金 2021年度陕西省社会科学基金项目“中国共产党革命精神谱系研究”(编号:2021B001) 陕西省哲学社会科学重大理论与现实问题研究项目“全媒体背景下大学生思想行为特点及其引导策略研究”(编号:2021HZ1085) 陕西科技大学大学精神与大学文化育人研究基地项目(重点项目)“西迁精神融入大学生思想政治教育研究”(编号:WHYRZX2021ZD001)成果。
关键词 思想政治教育 话语权 意识形态工作 马克思主义 ideological and political education right to speak ideological work Marxism
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