【目的】海南地区油茶种质资源丰富,但良种选育工作相对滞后,挖掘和选育海南地区经济性状优良且茶油品质较高的油茶种质资源,可以促进海南油茶的育种工作及促进海南油茶产业发展。【方法】以前期选育的6年生优良油茶(Camellia vietnamensis)新品系,FH3号、HS1号和HY1号为试验材料,同海南本地认(审)定的琼东2号(QD2)、琼东8号(QD8)和琼东9号(Q9)3个无性系进行果实性状和脂肪酸组分等指标比较分析,采用主成分分析法和模糊隶属函数综合分析各品系优劣。【结果】(1)海南6个油茶品系果高范围在29.05~67.57 mm,HS1果高均值最大为42.95 mm,果横径范围在33.38~64.16 mm,QD8果横径均值最大为55.12 mm,单果质量在18.39~112.99 g,QD8单果质量均值最大为70.22 g,鲜出籽率在16.34%~51.52%,FH3鲜出籽率均值最高为37.17%,干出仁率在48.72%~59.15%,HS1出仁率最高为59.15%,含油率在45.70%~50.91%,其中HS1含油率最高为50.19%;种实性状中,单果种粒数变异最大,变异系数为42.00%,果形指数变异最小,变异系数为8.99%。(2)6个油茶品系茶籽油中FH3棕榈酸含量最低为8.46%,QD8硬脂酸含量最低为2.32%,HY1棕榈烯酸含量最高为0.08%,QD9烯酸含量最高为0.52%,FH3油酸含量最高为83.43%,显著高于其他品系;QD9亚油酸含量最高为8.86%,QD8和QD9亚麻酸含量为0.20%,FH3不饱和脂肪酸含量最高为88.53%,饱和脂肪酸含量最低为11.46%,不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值最大为7.73,且6个品系不饱和脂肪酸含量均在85%以上。(3)6个品系经主成分分析法的综合评价值为FH3(1.92)>HS1(0.56)>QD8(0.25)>QD2(-0.08)>QD9(-0.97)>HY1(-2.42),模糊隶属函数综合评价得分为FH3(13.17)>QD8(11.42)>HS1(9.30)>HY1(8.42)>QD2(7.65)>QD9(7.29),2种分析方法均是FH3得分最高,表明其在6个品系中最为优良。【结论】综合比较果实性状和脂肪酸组分等指标,表明FH3表现相对优良,可以作为新品系在海南地区进行推广,该结论为海南油茶品种选育及资源利用提供参考依据。
[Objective]Hainan is rich in Camellia oleifera germplasm resources.However,the selection and breeding of improved seeds is relatively underdeveloped.The mining and breeding of Camellia vietnamensis germplasm resources with excellent economic properties and high quality of camellia oil in Hainan can promote the breeding of Camellia vietnamensis and the development of the industry in Hainan.[Methods]The prebreeding 6 years of excellent Camellia vietnamensis new product lines,FH3,HS1 and HY1,were used as test materials for the comparative analysis of fruit traits and fatty acid fractions with the three locally recognized asexual lines,Qiongdong 2(QD2),Qiongdong 8(QD8)and Qiongdong 9(QD9).The main component analysis method and fuzzy membership function comprehensive analysis were adopted to analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each product line.[Results](1)Fruit height of the six Camellia vietnamensis lines(FH3,HS1,HY1,QD2,QD8,QD9)ranged from 29.05 to 67.57 mm,with HS1 having the highest value of 42.95 mm.The fruit diameter ranged from 33.38 mm to 64.16 mm,with QD8 having the highest value of 55.12 mm.The single fruit weight ranged from 18.39 g to 112.99 g,with QD8 having the biggest vaule of 70.22 g.The fresh-seed rate ranged from 16.34%to 51.52%,with FH3 having the highest rate of 37.17%.The kernel-seed ratio(DW)was48.72%-59.15%,with HS1 having the highest ratio(DW)of 59.15%.The oil content ranged from 45.70%to50.91%,with HS1 having the highest content of 50.19%.Among the seed traits,the number of single fruit varieties mutated the most,the coefficient of variation was 42.00%,the index variation of fruit type was the smallest,and the coefficient of variation was 8.99%.(2)The lowest FH3 palmitic acid content in tea seed oil was 8.46%for the six Camellia vietnamensis strains.QD8 had the lowest stearic acid content(2.32%).HY1 had the highest palmitoleic acid content(0.08%).QD9 had the highest 11-eicosenoic acid content(0.52%).FH3 had the highest oleic acid content(83.43%),which was significantly higher than the other strains.QD9 had the highest linoleic acid content(8.86%).Theα-linolenic acid content of QD8 and QD9 was 0.20%.FH3 had the highest unsaturated fatty acid content(88.53%),the lowest saturated fatty acid content(11.46%)and the highest ratio(7.73)of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids,and all six Camellia vietnamensis strains were above 85%unsaturated fatty acid content.(3)The combined assessment values of the six Camellia vietnamensis lines by principal component analysis were FH3(1.92)>HS1(0.56)>QD8(0.25)>QD2(-0.08)>QD9(-0.97)>HY1(-2.42).The composite evaluation score of the fuzzy membership function analysis was FH3(13.17)>QD8(11.42)>HS1(9.30)>HY1(8.42)>QD2(7.65)>QD9(7.29).The results of the two methods showed that FH3 had the highest score,which indicated that FH3 was the optimal among the six Camellia vietnamensis strains.[Conclusion]A comprehensive comparison of seed characters and fatty acid indicated that FH3 performs relatively well and can be promoted as a new strain in Hainan.The results provided a reference for variety breeding and resource utilization of Camellia vietnamensis in Hainan.
YANG Chaochen;YAO Xiaohua;FENG Jifu;CHEN Youshi;ZHANG Yalei;YANG Yuchen(Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Hangzhou 311400,China;College of Forestry,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China;Haikou Dongshan Jinmao nursery stock Co.,Ltd,Haikou,570100,China)
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
Camellia vietnamensis new item
seed real character
fatty acid composition
comprehensive evaluation