
解释偏向训练对女性负面身体自我的干预 被引量:1

Interpretation Bias Modification on Female Negative Physical Self
摘要 目的:本研究旨在探讨解释偏向训练对女性的负面身体自我的改善作用。方法:采用负面身体自我量表筛选出60名胖负面身体自我女性和60名相貌负面身体自我女性(分别随机分配到干预组和对照组),通过改编词句关联范式进行解释偏向干预。在干预前、干预结束和干预后两周分别测量了被试的积极解释偏向和负面身体自我(胖和相貌)。结果:相比于干预前,胖负面身体自我女性(n=30)在干预结束(t(29)=4.46,P<0.001,d=0.81)和两周后积极解释偏向显著增加(t(29)=2.74,P<0.05,d=0.50),体型不满程度在干预后低于干预前(t(29)=-3.26,P<0.01,d=0.60);相貌负面身体自我女性(n=30)在干预结束(t(29)=3.12,P<0.01,d=0.57)和两周后积极解释偏向显著增加(t(29)=2.29,P<0.05,d=0.42),相貌不满程度在干预后(t(29)=-3.06,P<0.01,d=0.56)和两周后低于干预前(t(29)=-2.67,P<0.05,d=0.49)。结论:解释偏向训练对胖和相貌负面身体自我女性的相关积极解释偏向有一定的正向作用,可能缓解她们体型和相貌不满的程度。解释偏向训练对相貌负面身体自我女性干预的稳定性好于胖负面身体自我女性。 Objective:The present study aimed to explore the effect of interpretation bias modification of negative physical self(fat and appearance) on female.Methods:Sixty female college students with fat negative physical self and 60 female college with appearance negative physical self were(randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group)selected by Negative Physical Self Scale.The intervention was carried out by word-sentence association paradigm.Participants were separated measured with positive interpretation bias and negative physical self(fat and appearance) three times(before intervention,after intervention,two weeks after intervention).Results:Compared with before intervention,the positive interpretation bias of the participants with fat negative physical self(n=30) was increased after intervention(t(29)=4.46,P<0.001,d=0.81) and two weeks after intervention(t(29)=2.74,P<0.05,d=0.50);body dissatisfaction was lower after intervention than before(t(29)=-3.26,P<0.01,d=0.60).The positive interpretation bias of the participants with appearance negative physical self(n=30) were increased after intervention(t(29)=3.12,P<0.01,d=0.57) and two weeks after intervention(t(29)=2.29,P<0.05,d=0.42);appearance dissatisfaction was lower after intervention(t(29)=-3.06,P<0.01,d=0.56)and two weeks after intervention than before(t(29)=-2.67,P<0.05,d=0.49).Conclusion:Modification of interpretation bias has positive effect on positive interpretation bias in female with fat negative physical self and female with appearance negative physical self.It may relieve their shape dissatisfaction and appearance dissatisfaction.The stability of intervention effect of interpretation bias modification in women with fat negative physical self is better than appearance negative physical self.
作者 周爱保 谢珮 陈丽丽 ZHOU Ai-bao;XIE Pei;CHEN Li-li(School of Psychology,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期722-727,共6页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(32160202,31660281) 西北师范大学科研项目“精神分裂症视觉观点采择的水平、特征及干预”(2021KYZZ01024)。
关键词 胖负面身体自我 相貌负面身体自我 解释偏向训练 Fat negative physical self Facial negative physical self Interpretation bias modification
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