
笔谈:变“锈”为“秀”,工业遗产保护和再利用新思路新发展 被引量:13

Discussion: Turning “the Rusty” into “Beauty”—the New Ideas and New Development of the Preservation and Reuse Trend of Industrial Heritage
摘要 在“碳中和、碳达峰”的时代背景下开展工业遗产保护和绿色转型系统化研究已是大势所趋。工业遗产保护利用须尽可能地保护、保留其工业制造、生产、流通等相关环节的空间特征及其历史景观,通过适当的设计,让工业生产体系和历史演进过程中留下的集体记忆更易于在当下生活中感知与阅读,让工业资源转化为文化资源,产生文化生产力,实现价值的增值。在城市更新中,工业遗产要与城市文化、都市生活有机结合,带动区域转型发展、推动城市复兴。三线建设工业遗产再开发可依据当地经济和环境特点结合红色军工旅游、文化产业园、生态农业等多个发展方向来确定其功能定位。活态工业遗产的保护要进一步延展和扩大遗产的价值边界和文化渗透力。当前工业遗产保护政策呈现多部门协同、措施体系化、目标更明确的发展趋势。工业遗产保护利用的核心是贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,让人民群众有更多的幸福感和获得感。 It has become a general trend to carry out systematic research on the preservation and green transformation of industrial heritage in the context of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking. The preservation and reuse of industrial heritage require preserving and retaining the spatial characteristics of its industrial manufacturing, production, distribution, and other related sectors, as well as its historical landscape as far as possible. Through appropriate design, the preservation and reuse of industrial heritage aim to make the collective memory of the industrial production system left by the evolution of history easier to be perceived and read in the present life. Also, they aim to turn industrial resources into cultural resources, forming cultural productivity and increasing the value. In urban renewal projects, we should organically integrate the preservation and reuse of industrial heritage with urban culture and urban life, driving the regional transformation and urban revitalization. The redevelopment of the Third-Front industrial heritage can determine the function of the heritage by combining development orientations such as red tourism, cultural industrial park, and ecological agriculture based on the characteristics of local economy and environment. The preservation of living heritage requires extending and expanding the value boundary and cultural penetration of the heritage. It shows the development trend of multi-sectoral coordination,measure systematization, and clearer goals in the active policy of industrial heritage preservation currently. The preservation and reuse of industrial heritage are centered on pursuing the people-centered development ideology and making people acquire a greater sense of happiness and gain.
作者 徐苏斌 青木信夫 张松 刘伯英 常江 王林 吕建昌 左琰 曹永康 周岚 陈畅 Xu Subin;Aoki Nobuo;Zhang Song;Liu Boying;Chang Jiang;Wang Lin;Lyu Jianchang;Zuo Yan;Cao Yongkang;Zhou Lan;Chen Chang(School of Architecture,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300721,China;College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;School of Architecture,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;School of Architecture&Design,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221000,China;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;School of Cultural Heritage and Information Management,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China;Industrial Culture Development Center of MIIT,Beijing 101100,China;University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2022年第3期4-18,共15页 China Cultural Heritage
基金 基于国家社科重点课题《新时代工业遗产保护与再利用的理论体系与方法研究》的成果撰写 国家社科基金重大招标项目“三线建设工业遗产保护与创新利用的路径研究”(编号17ZDA207)的阶段性成果。
关键词 工业遗产 绿色转型 城市更新 三线遗产 活态遗产 政策分析 industrial heritage green transformation urban renewal Third-Front industrial heritage living heritage policy analysis
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