
山海关选址格局防御体系可视化复现探析 被引量:1

Analysis and Study on the Layout of Site Selection and Defense System Construction of the Shanhai Pass
摘要 参照文献资料,依据二十世纪早期测绘图和航片,以及古代舆图等,可视化复现明长城蓟镇与辽东镇交界要冲的军事重镇山海关的选址、建设、完善、运行等历史信息。通过分析可知,山海关建设之初就占据了切中丘垄、故墙御前、石河卫后的地形优势,并加以广取水源、疏浚收放、环抱周全的理水策略,形成了聚点成链、战力均衡、尺度相宜的城池格局。诸城在各自位置、防线串联、组合应援方面均具有清晰的选址思路和建筑策略,整体结构体现了点线结合、主次分明、左右呼应的完整性和科学性。这个科学严密、布局合理的军事防御建筑群,在边防地位及形势需求的影响之下,历经了二百多年的演变。关城建设经历了抵御北元、拱卫京师、全面联防的步步推进;预警信号形成了早期预警、立体监视、前置防线的网络构建;防御体系经历了从拥城扼道,到倚边制敌,再到以线设防的改善过程。完整的山海关防区在不断的探讨和选择之下,从“计划实施”到“最终落成”,逐步构建和完善而成。 With the key military area—the Shanhai Pass, which lies at the crucial juncture of the former frontier garrison districts of Jizhen and Liaodong in the section of Ming Dynasty Great Wall as an example, this article attempts to make a straight and precise restoration of the Shanhai Pass in its site selection, construction, amelioration, and operation, based on ancient textual documents, the geological maps and aerial photos in the early 20th century, as well as ancient map drawings, modern satellite images, and photos of the current frontier lines. According to our analysis, even as early as its inception, the Shanhai Pass has grasped an advantageous position of thrusting into the crucial point of mountains, and standing in the rear of former defensive walls and prior to Shihe Garrison Station. It implemented the water management strategy featuring diversification of water sources, flow control through dredging, and a comprehensive utilization of surrounding areas, and a district layout is thus formed where spots are connected into a line, fighting forces are averagely distributed, and the scale is appropriate. Towns within the pass area all exhibit an explicit thinking of site selection and construction strategy in the aspects of the position, connection with other spots in the defense line, and back-up combination.Their holistic structure characterized by the integration of spots and lines, clear priorities and symmetrical design displays remarkable integrity and scientificity. It is such a scientifically, meticulously and appropriately arranged military defense complex that has evolved over two hundred years following the changes in the frontier status and military landscape. The construction of the town of passes initially aimed to protect against the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and to protect capital city in encirclement, and to an overall joint defense.The signaling system has gradually become a network of early signaling, three-dimensional surveillance, and the frontier defense line.The defense system has kept improving from getting the grip of the path by besieging the town, to subduing enemies from aside, and to contriving the system of defense lines. In this way, instead of being completed overnight, the holistic defense district of Shanhai Pass is established and improved step by step from the stage of plan implementation to the final fruition through relentless discussions and selection.
作者 李哲 黄斯 李严 拓晓龙 张玉坤 Li Zhe;Huang Si;Li Yan;Tuo Xiaolong;Zhang Yunkun(School of Architecture of Tianjin University,Key Laboratories under the Ministry of Information Technology,Culture and Tourism on Inheriting Architectural Culture,Tianjin 300072,China)
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2022年第3期86-93,共8页 China Cultural Heritage
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“传统村落空间特征快速量化与比较研究”(编号51878439) “明长城防御体系系统关系研究及其可视化研究”(编号51878437) “明宣府镇驿传系统层次体系与空间分布研究”(编号51908179) 文化和旅游部重点实验室课题“明长城全线建筑遗产资源图像监测”(编号2020-1) 河北省社科基金课题“明代驿递交通系统空间分布研究”(编号HB19YS036) 国家留学基金项目(编号202006250102)。
关键词 山海关 选址理念 空间格局 防御体系 可视化复现 the Shanhai Pass site selection spatial layout defense system
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