
比较可表达产生VLP颗粒的CHIKV DNA疫苗和减毒活疫苗在小鼠中的免疫效果

Comparison of immunological efficacy by CHIKV DNA vaccine coding VLPs and live attenuated vaccine in mice
摘要 目的比较可表达产生病毒样颗粒(virus-like particle,VLP)的CHIKV DNA疫苗与CHIKV181/clone25减毒活疫苗在小鼠中的免疫应答与保护效果。方法C57BL/6n小鼠分别用CHIKV DNA疫苗20μg以肌肉注射加电转的形式免疫2次,CHIKV181/clone25减毒活疫苗10^(5) PFU以皮下注射的形式免疫2次,阴性对照以50μLPBS皮下注射免疫2次,在每次免疫后的第14 d进行体液免疫和细胞免疫检测。在末次免疫后第4周进行CHIKV Ross攻毒实验。结果CHIKV DNA疫苗免疫后诱导的特异性细胞免疫反应和特异性抗体反应均高于CHIKV 181/clone25减毒活疫苗。在CHIKV Ross致死性攻击后,DNA疫苗与CHIKV181/clone25减毒活疫苗均可保护小鼠免于死亡。结论DNA疫苗20μg与CHIKV181/clone25减毒活疫苗105 PFU均可有效预防小鼠CHIKV感染,但DNA疫苗诱导更高水平的体液免疫反应和细胞免疫反应。 Objective To compare the differences in immune response and protection efficacy in mice by the chikungunya virus(CHIKV)DNA vaccine coding virus-like particles(VLPs)and CHIKV181/clone25 live attenuated vaccine.Methods C57BL/6n mice were immunized twice with either CHIKV DNA vaccine of 20μg by intramuscular injection combined with electroporation,or CHIKV181/clone25 live attenuated vaccine of 10^(5) PFU by subcutaneous injection.Intramuscular injection twice with 50μl PBS was used as negative control.Humoral and cellular immune responses were tested 14 days after each immunization.Mice were challenged with CHIKV Ross at 4 weeks after the last immunization.Results Both specific cellular immune response and specific antibody response induced by CHIKV DNA vaccine of 20μg were higher than those induced by CHIKV181/clone25 live attenuated vaccine.Both DNA vaccine and live attenuated vaccine protected mice from death after a lethal challenge by CHIKV Ross.Conclusions Both DNA vaccine of 20μg and CHIKV181/clone25 live attenuated vaccine were effective in preventing CHIKV infection,while DNA vaccine coding VLPs induced higher levels of humoral and cellular immune responses.
作者 赵志敏 黄梦婧 李梦哲 邓瑶 王文 张磊亮 赵平 谭文杰 Zhao Zhimin;Huang Mengjing;Li Mengzhe;Deng Yao;Wang Wen;Zhang Leiliang;Zhao Ping;Tan Wenjie(National Health Commission Key Laboratory of Medical Virology,National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China;Basic Medical College,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010010,China;School of Public Health,Xinxiang Medical College,Xinxiang 453003,China;Institute of Basic Medicine,Shandong First Medical University&Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250000,China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Biomedical Protection,Department of Biomedical Protection,Faculty of Naval Medicine,Navy Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《国际病毒学杂志》 2022年第2期119-124,共6页 International Journal of Virology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1200602、2016YFD0500301) 国家传染病预防控制重大专项(2016ZX10004001-003、2018ZX10731-101)。
关键词 基孔肯雅热病毒 DNA疫苗 减毒活疫苗 体液免疫 细胞免疫 Chikungunya virus DNA vaccine Live attenuated vaccine Humoral immunity Cellular immunity
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