No information is available regarding the utilization of iron (Fe) from different Fe sources at a targettissue level. To detect differences in Fe metabolic utilization among Fe sources, the effect of intravenouslyinjected Fe on growth performance, hematological indices, tissue Fe concentrations and Fe-containingenzyme activities and gene expressions of Fe-containing enzymes or protein in broilers was investigated.On d 22 post-hatching, a total of 432 male chickens were randomly allotted to 1 of 9 treatments ina completely randomized design. Chickens were injected with either a 0.9% (wt/vol) NaCl solution(control) or a 0.9% NaCl solution supplemented with Fe sulphate or 1 of 3 organic Fe sources. The 3organic Fe sources were Fe chelates with weak (Fe-MetW), moderate (Fe-ProtM) or extremely strong (Fe-ProtES) chelation strength. The 2 Fe dosages were calculated according to the Fe absorbabilities of 10%and 20% every 2 d for a duration of 20 d. Iron injection did not affect (P > 0.05) ADFI, ADG or FCR duringeither 1 to 10 d or 11 to 20 d after injections. Hematocrit and Fe concentrations in the liver and kidney ond 10 after Fe injections, and Fe concentrations in the liver or pancreas and ferritin heavy-chain (FTH1)protein expression level in the liver or spleen on d 20 after Fe injections increased (P≤0.05) as injectedFe dosages increased. When the injected Fe level was high at 20% Fe absorbability, the chickens injectedwith Fe-ProtES had lower (P < 0.001) liver or kidney Fe concentrations and spleen FTH1 protein levelsthan those injected with Fe-MetW or Fe-ProtM on d 20 after injections. And they had lower (P < 0.05)liver cytochrome C oxidase mRNA levels on d 20 after injections than those injected with Fe-MetW or Fesulphate. The results from this study indicate that intravenously injected Fe from Fe-ProtES was the least utilizable and functioned in the sensitive target tissue less effectively than Fe from Fe sulfate, Fe-MetW or Fe-ProtM.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(project number 31672440,Beijing,China)
the Research Program of State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition(project number 2004DA125184G1606,Beijing,China)
the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program(ASTIP-IAS09,Beijing,China)
the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(project number CARS-41,Beijing,China).