
Metabolic utilization of intravenously injected iron from different iron sources in target tissues of broiler chickens 被引量:2

摘要 No information is available regarding the utilization of iron (Fe) from different Fe sources at a targettissue level. To detect differences in Fe metabolic utilization among Fe sources, the effect of intravenouslyinjected Fe on growth performance, hematological indices, tissue Fe concentrations and Fe-containingenzyme activities and gene expressions of Fe-containing enzymes or protein in broilers was investigated.On d 22 post-hatching, a total of 432 male chickens were randomly allotted to 1 of 9 treatments ina completely randomized design. Chickens were injected with either a 0.9% (wt/vol) NaCl solution(control) or a 0.9% NaCl solution supplemented with Fe sulphate or 1 of 3 organic Fe sources. The 3organic Fe sources were Fe chelates with weak (Fe-MetW), moderate (Fe-ProtM) or extremely strong (Fe-ProtES) chelation strength. The 2 Fe dosages were calculated according to the Fe absorbabilities of 10%and 20% every 2 d for a duration of 20 d. Iron injection did not affect (P > 0.05) ADFI, ADG or FCR duringeither 1 to 10 d or 11 to 20 d after injections. Hematocrit and Fe concentrations in the liver and kidney ond 10 after Fe injections, and Fe concentrations in the liver or pancreas and ferritin heavy-chain (FTH1)protein expression level in the liver or spleen on d 20 after Fe injections increased (P≤0.05) as injectedFe dosages increased. When the injected Fe level was high at 20% Fe absorbability, the chickens injectedwith Fe-ProtES had lower (P < 0.001) liver or kidney Fe concentrations and spleen FTH1 protein levelsthan those injected with Fe-MetW or Fe-ProtM on d 20 after injections. And they had lower (P < 0.05)liver cytochrome C oxidase mRNA levels on d 20 after injections than those injected with Fe-MetW or Fesulphate. The results from this study indicate that intravenously injected Fe from Fe-ProtES was the least utilizable and functioned in the sensitive target tissue less effectively than Fe from Fe sulfate, Fe-MetW or Fe-ProtM.
出处 《Animal Nutrition》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期74-83,共10页 动物营养(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China(project number 31672440,Beijing,China) the Research Program of State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition(project number 2004DA125184G1606,Beijing,China) the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program(ASTIP-IAS09,Beijing,China) the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(project number CARS-41,Beijing,China).
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