
新民主主义革命时期党的廉政文化建设 被引量:1

On Building of Communist Party of China’s Culture of Honest Government During the Period of the New Democratic Revolution
摘要 廉政文化建设是全面从严治党的重要体现。在新民主主义革命时期,虽然党尚未获得完全执政地位,但廉政文化建设依然成为全面从严治党的重要依托。从国民革命到土地革命,到抗日战争,再到解放战争,在革命形势的不断变化中,党始终紧密结合实际,在廉政文化建设方面不断突破。廉政文化建设增强了党组织和党员的先进性、纯洁性,密切了党群关系,扩大了党群基础,支撑着我党不断发展壮大。新时代党的廉政文化建设,要借鉴新民主主义革命时期廉政文化建设经验,推动党的先进性纯洁性建设,助力中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦早日实现。 The building of a culture of honest government is an important embodiment of comprehensively and strictly administering the CPC. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, although the CPC has not yet attained a full ruling position, the building of a culture of honest government had still become an important basis for comprehensively and strictly administering the CPC. From the National Revolution to the Agrarian Revolution, to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, to the War of Liberation, in the midst of the constant changes in the revolutionary situation, the Communist Party of China has always closely integrated itself with reality and made continuous breakthroughs in the building of a culture of honest government. The building of a culture of honest government has enhanced the advanced nature and purity of the CPC organizations and the members of the Cpc, brought the CPC masses closer together, expanded the foundation of the CPC masses, and supported the continuous development and growth of the CPC. In the construction of the CPC’s culture of honest government in the new era, it is necessary to draw on the experience of building a culture of honest government in the period of the new democratic revolution, promote the construction of the advanced nature and purity of the CPC, and help the nation to rejuvenate the Chinese dream.
作者 刘健 LIU Jian(School of Marxism,Shangluo University,Shangluo726000,Shaanxi)
出处 《商洛学院学报》 2022年第3期91-96,共6页 Journal of Shangluo University
关键词 新民主主义 中国共产党 廉政文化建设 New Democratic Revolution the Communist Party of China building of clean government culture
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