Covalent organic frameworks(COFs),as a class of crystalline porous materials with periodic lattices and porous structures,have received extensive attention in the fields of gas storage and separation,energy storage,catalysis and optoelectronics and so on.However,COFs are still in their infancy in the field of nuclear waste treatment,especially for sequestration of long-live problematic radionuclides,such as 99Tc.Battle of decontamination of pertechnetate(TcO4–),a main existence of 99Tc under aerobic environments,is far from finished.In this review,recent progresses of COFs and some relative materials in the sequestration of pertechnetate,and perspective on surmounting the unmet issues are elucidated.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.22171210,21771139)
the Program for Innovative Research Team in University of Tianjin,China(No.TD13-5074).