
牢记中国共产党是什么、要干什么这个根本问题 被引量:1

Bear in Mind the Fundamentally Important Issues of What the Communist Party of China is and What Its Mission is
摘要 《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》首次提出“全党要牢记中国共产党是什么、要干什么这个根本问题”。“是什么”是党的根本性质问题。《中国共产党章程》关于党的阶级性质和指导思想的规定就是对党“是什么”的回答,党的阶级基础和指导思想的统一决定了党“是什么”。两个“先锋队”是统一不可分的,不能离开中国工人阶级的先锋队去解读中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,也不能只讲党是中国工人阶级的先锋队而不讲党是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队。“要干什么”体现在为实现什么目标奋斗和为谁奋斗上,包括各个时期干什么的问题。《中国共产党章程》关于党的最终目标和根本宗旨的规定,就是对“要干什么”的回答。中国共产党人始终把为何目标奋斗和为谁奋斗统一在一起,始终把实现不同时期的奋斗目标同实现党的最终目标联系起来,把坚持党的最高纲领和阶段性纲领统一起来。“中国共产党是什么、要干什么”是关系党和国家命运、关涉党和国家事业方方面面的根本问题,它既是坚持党的领导的根本依据,也是坚持党的自我革命、全面从严治党的根本准则。 The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century stated that"every Party member must bear in mind what the Party is and what its mission is—these are issues of fundamental importance that we must never lose sight of"for the first time."What the Party is"is about the fundamental nature of the Party.The provisions of the CPC Constitution on the class nature and guiding ideology of the Party are an answer to"what the Party is",which is determined by the unity of its class basis and guiding ideology.The two"vanguards"are unified and inseparable.We cannot interpret the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in isolation from the vanguard of the Chinese working class,nor can we only speak of the Party as the vanguard of the Chinese working class without speaking of the Party as the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation."What the Party’s mission is"is reflected in what goal to achieve and who to fight for,including the question of what to do in each period.The ultimate goal and fundamental purpose of the Party stipulated in the Party constitution are the answer to"what the Party’s mission is".Members of CPC have always combined what they are striving for with who they are striving for,linked the realization of their goals at different times with the realization of the Party’s ultimate goal,and unified adherence to the Party’s highest program with adherence to its phased program."What the Party is and what its mission is"is a fundamental question that concerns the destiny of the Party and the country as well as every aspect of the cause of them.It is not only the fundamental basis for upholding the Party’s leadership,but also the fundamental principle for adhering the Party’s self-revolution and comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline.
作者 田心铭 Tian Xinming
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 CSSCI 2022年第5期4-16,共13页 Studies on Marxist Theory
关键词 中国共产党 是什么 要干什么 根本问题 the Communist Party of China what the Party is what the Party’s mission is fundamentally important issues
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