

Effect of sulfur content in carbon anode on measuring current efficiency of aluminum reduction cells by gas analysis method
摘要 本文采用气体分析法对多个铝电解系列的多台电解槽进行了电流效率测量,规范了测量和计算方案,研究了炭阳极中硫含量对测量电流效率数值的影响。结果表明:炭阳极中的硫会使气体分析法测量电流效率的结果偏高;奥氏气体分析仪的未计量体积和炭阳极中的硫含量是气体分析法中电流效率计算公式修正系数的主要构成因素;规范化的测量作业和合理的修正系数取值是确保气体分析法测量电流效率具有较高重现性和准确性的关键;采用本文提出的规范的测量方案和综合修正系数,能够使气体分析法测量的电流效率与平均出铝电流效率的差值小于0.3%。 In this paper, the gas analysis method was used to measure the current efficiency of several aluminum reduction cells in some aluminum potlines, the measurement and calculation plans were standardized, and the influence of sulfur content in carbon anode on the measured current efficiency was studied. The results showed that the sulfur contained in carbon anode would lead to a higher result of current efficiency measured by gas analysis method. The unmeasured volume of austenitic gas analyzer and the sulfur content in carbon anode were the main components of the correction coefficient of current efficiency calculation formula in gas analysis method. The standardized measurement and reasonable correction coefficient value were key to ensuring a highly-accurate and highly-reproducible current efficiency measured by gas analysis method. With the standardized measurement plan and the comprehensive correction coefficient proposed in this paper, the difference between the measured current efficiency of gas analysis method and the average aluminum tapping current efficiency was less than 0.3%.
作者 王怀江 周剑 张正和 包生重 Wang Huaijiang;Zhou Jian;Zhang Zhenghe;Bao Shengzhong(Zunyi Aluminum Co.,Ltd.,Zunyi 563000,China;Zhengzhou Non-ferrous Metals Research Institute Co.,Ltd.of CHALCO,Zhengzhou 450041,China)
出处 《轻金属》 北大核心 2022年第4期30-34,62,共6页 Light Metals
关键词 铝电解 气体分析法 硫含量 电流效率 修正系数 aluminum electrolysis gas analysis method sulfur content current efficiency correction coefficient
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