
汽车横向稳定杆用60Si2MnA钢淬火变形的数值模拟 被引量:2

Numerical simulation of quenching distortion of 60Si2MnA steel for automotive transverse stabilizer bar
摘要 为了研究广州某公司生产的某款汽车横向稳定杆用60Si2MnA钢的淬火变形及残余应力分布规律,通过有限元软件ABAQUS,选取稳定杆奥氏体化温度为830℃、淬火介质温度为50℃的热处理工况下建立三维稳定杆淬火模型。通过验证后的稳定杆淬火模型对淬火后稳定杆的温度、物相随时间的变化规律以及轴向变形量和残余应力分布进行了分析。结果表明:淬火后稳定杆所有区域马氏体转变量均在95.0%以上,稳定杆轴向绝对伸长量约为8.42 mm,伸长率约为1.37%。在热应变、相变应变和相变塑性应变的综合作用下,稳定杆表面产生轴向残余拉应力,应力值约为257.9 MPa,心部产生轴向残余压应力,应力值约为-1034.0 MPa。淬火过程中的马氏体相变会影响稳定杆的内应力演变,具体表现为马氏体相变会使得各区域的轴向内应力在原有应力状态的基础上向压应力方向偏移。 In order to study the quenching distortion and residual stress distribution of 60Si2 MnA steel for an automobile transverse stabilizer bar produced by a company in Guangzhou, a three-dimensional quenching model of stabilizer bar was established under the heat treatment conditions of austenitizing temperature of 830 ℃ and quenching medium temperature of 50 ℃ by using the finite element(FE) software ABAQUS. Through the verified quenching model of stabilizer bar, the variations of temperature and phase transformation with time, longitudinal deformation and residual stress distribution of the quenched stabilizer bar were analyzed. The results show that the martensitic transformation amount in all areas of the stabilizer bar after quenching is more than 95.0%, the longitudinal absolute elongation of the stabilizer bar is about 8.42 mm and the elongation is about 1.37%. Under the combined action of thermal strain, phase transformation strain and phase transformation plastic strain, the longitudinal residual tensile stress is generated on the surface of the stabilizer bar, with a stress value of about 257.9 MPa, and the longitudinal residual compressive stress is generated at the center, with a stress value of about-1034.0 MPa. The martensitic transformation during quenching will affect the internal stress evolution of the stabilizer bar. Specifically, the martensitic transformation will shift the longitudinal internal stress in each region to the compressive stress direction on the basis of the original stress state.
作者 韦婷婷 汪舟 罗素晖 卢伟 王晓丽 邓小云 赵清波 于津伟 WEI Ting-ting;WANG Zhou;LUO Su-hui;LU Wei;WANG Xiao-li;DENG Xiao-yun;ZHAO Qing-bo;YU Jin-wei(School of Automotive Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;Guangzhou Huade Automotive Spring Co Ltd,Guangzhou 511339,China;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Automotive Components Technology,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《材料热处理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期163-174,共12页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51405356) 校企合作项目(20211h0040)。
关键词 60SI2MNA钢 汽车横向稳定杆 相变塑性 淬火变形 数值模拟 60Si2MnA steel automotive transverse stabilizer bar transformation plasticity quenching distortion numerical simulation
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