

Evaluation of optical performance of microwave reflection imaging system on EAST tokamak
摘要 用宽为1cm的金属反射平面对EAST装置上96道(极向12道×径向8道)微波成像反射计的前端接收光路的道间距和探测光斑半径进行了测试,结果与仿真结果较为一致。用极向旋转的金属轮面作为反射面,研究了非理想光学条件下反射面旋转所引入的多普勒频移,结果与模拟值吻合。 The channel distance and the detection spot radius of the EAST 96-channel(polar 12-channel and radial 8-channel array) microwave imaging reflectometer have been tested using a metal reflection plane with a width of 1cm as the artificial reflection surface. The results are consistent with the optical simulation results.Using the azimuthal rotating metal wheel surface as the reflecting surface, the Doppler frequency shift introduced by the rotation of the reflecting surface under the non-ideal optical conditions has been investigated. The experimental results agree well with the expected values of Doppler frequency shift given by simulation.
作者 高飞雪 刘贤子 渠承明 徐新航 谢锦林 GAO Fei-xue;LIU Xian-zi;QU Cheng-ming;XU Xin-hang;XIE Jin-lin(University of Science and Technology of China,Department of Engineering and Applied Physics,Heifei 230026)
出处 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期187-193,共7页 Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
基金 国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项(2014GB109002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(WK0000006)。
关键词 微波成像反射计 高斯光学 多普勒效应 Microwave imaging reflectometry Gaussian optics Doppler effect
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