

Epistemological Study of Textual Interpretation Pattern and Meaning Generation
摘要 文本的意义阐释问题是文艺理论界研究的热点问题。“过度阐释”“反对阐释”与“强制阐释”构成了文本意义生成的三种形态。首先,阐释学的知识内涵可以划分为方法论和本体论双重层面,分别涉及符合论的真理观与存在论的真理观。其次,中国当代阐释学对文本意义的生成展开了积极反思和持续建构。张江教授提出的“强制阐释论”涵盖“本体阐释”“核心阐释”“阐释大循环”等一系列具有创新性的概念范畴,实现了对阐释学方法论和本体论的融合,推动了当代阐释理论的进一步发展。最后,中国学者对场外征用与文本意义生成、主观预设与文本意义生成、批评的公正性和批评的伦理性等问题进行了细致讨论,建构起具有中国特色的阐释学话语体系。中国当代强制阐释论是阐释学理论的重大突破,为文学研究与文论发展提供了丰富的理论资源。 Questions of interpretation of the meaning of texts have for some time been a major area of focus in literary theory. Overinterpretation, against-interpretation and imposed-interpretation constitute three patterns of interpretation, attempting the integration of text, meaning and truth. It has great significance for the development of contemporary Chinese literary theory to study patterns of textual interpretation.First of all, knowledge genealogy in hermeneutics involves interpretative methodology and interpretative ontology, which are related to the correspondence theory of truth, and that of existential theory respectively. Focusing on mechanisms like the generation process of textual meaning,intertextuality, subject reception and aesthetic empathy, interpretative methodology achieves a breakthrough for the pattern of “interpretation of scripture” in traditional theological hermeneutics.Methods such as the study of textual form from the perspective of scientism, receptive aesthetics with open meaning, deconstruction with intersubjectivity and intertextuality, etc., enrich the patterns of textual interpretation and thus construct a hermeneutic landscape of multi-level integration of author subject, reader subject, text and social history. The theory of “overinterpretation” proposed by Umberto Eco emphasizes that the interpretation of the meaning of a text should rely on the text itself to achieve a dynamic balance between the author, the text and the reader, so as to interpret literary works objectively and accurately. The dynamic balance between “textual intention” and the “standard reader” represents the mechanism of meaning production with text as the core, and reflects the truth view of correspondence theory of textual meaning. Simultaneously, focusing more attention on the meaning of artistic text and the consciousness of subject’s existence, interpretative ontology emphasizes that the understanding of text itself can achieve the subject’s existential goal of “poetic inhabitation”. By adopting philosophical theories such as phenomenology and the existential subject, Heidegger and Gadamer highlighted the truth attribute of textual meaning and poetic discourse with the subject’s“being”. On the basis of the noumenon of art form and by adopting the strategy of “meaningful form”,Susan Sontag’s theory of “against-interpretation” realizes the “intersubjective” connection between the textual subject and the interpretative one, and thus reconstructs the “mass production” strategy with the text as the core through new aesthetic perception. Secondly, on the basis of western hermeneutic methodology and ontology, positive reflection and continuous construction on the generation of textual meaning has also been carried out in contemporary Chinese hermeneutics. “The theory of imposed interpretation” not only involves the evaluation of western literary theory and the construction of contemporary Chinese literary theory, but also involves the construction of literary criticism methods and the key fields of generation of literary meaning, so that it integrates hermeneutic methodology and hermeneutic ontology. Chinese scholars represented by Professor Zhang Jiang have made sufficient and in-depth thinking on the limit, boundary and meaning of interpretation, and put forward a series of innovative concepts such as ontological interpretation, core interpretation, and great cycle of interpretation, which have promoted the further development of contemporary interpretation theory.Ontological interpretation and core interpretation require probing into the original meaning of textual language, image and structure on the basis of close reading, realizing the self-clarity of “textual intention” to the greatest extent, and constructing a kind of “holistic” interpretation pattern based on the social and historical environment of the “second boundary”, which enriches the interpretative methodology. By integrating the elements of tradition, times and society into the grand context of interpretation, the great cycle of interpretation and public interpretation realize the opening of textual meaning to the subject, enhance the subject’s ability of spiritual practice, and thus form a kind of ontological hermeneutics.In a word, when the construction process of a contemporary Chinese hermeneutics is reviewed, it can be found that the issue of imposed interpretation has always existed in the discourse system of contemporary Chinese literary theory, and it has gone through three stages: the imposition of Soviet model, the imposition of western literary theory, and the construction of discourse system of contemporary literary theory. By having had a detailed discussion on the relationship between elements like misapplication of irrelevant theories, subjective presupposition, legitimacy of criticism, ethics of criticism, and generation of textual meaning, this paper explains how Chinese scholars have constructed a kind of hermeneutic discourse system with Chinese characteristics. As a great breakthrough of hermeneutic theory, Chinese contemporary “imposed interpretation theory” not only realizes the integration of methodology and ontology, but also further expands the knowledge space of literary theory. Therefore it provides powerful and rich theoretical resources for literary research and the development of literary theory.
作者 付昌玲 Fu Changling(School of Literature,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China)
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期144-154,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(19BZW022)。
关键词 文本 阐释模式 过度阐释 反对阐释 强制阐释 意义生成 知识论考察 text interpretation pattern overinterpretation against-interpretation imposed interpretation generation of meaning epistemological study
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