
宽体自卸车启动与制动工况车架静力学分析及试验 被引量:1

Mechanical Analysis and Experiment on Frame of Wide-body Dump Truck under the Conditions of Starting and Braking
摘要 利用达朗贝尔原理分析车辆启动与制动工况车架载荷分布,并将车架载荷作为车架有限元分析的外载荷,得到车架在启动与制动工况的应力分布.分析得出:启动工况车架最大应力为490 MPa,安全系数为1.04,出现在左、右两纵梁中部下表面;制动工况车架最大应力为311 MPa,安全系数为1.64,出现在左、右两纵梁下翼板与平衡轴连接处.对比两种工况可知,启动工况为车架的危险工况.通过车架应力试验,验证了车架载荷理论分析与有限元分析模型的有效性,提供了启动与制动工况车架外载荷分析、有限元分析及改进的方法,可为车架结构分析与设计提供依据. The load distribution of the frame under the starting and braking conditions was analyzed according to the D’Alembert principle,which was also used for the finite element analysis of the frame as the external load.The stress distribution of the frame under the starting and braking conditions was obtained respectively.It was concluded that the maximum stress of the frame under the starting condition was 490 MPa,and the safety factor was 1.04,which appeared on the middle of lower surface for the left and right longitudinal beams.Simultaneously,the maximum stress of the frame under the braking condition was 311 MPa,and the safety factor was 1.64,which appeared on the connection between the left and right longitudinal beams and the balance shaft.The starting working condition was more dangerous condition for the frame compared to the starting condition.And then,the validity of the load distribution analysis and the finite element analysis model were verified through the experimental test.The methods for external load analysis,finite element analysis and improvement of the frame under starting and braking conditions are provided,which also provides a basis for the structural analysis and design for the frame.
作者 刘维维 刘江 LIU Weiwei;LIU Jiang(Mechanical Engineering College of Beihua University,Jilin 132012,China;Transmission and Transformation Technology College of Northeast Electric Power University,Jilin 132012,China)
出处 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第3期403-407,共5页 Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)
基金 吉林省教育厅科学技术研究项目(JJKH20210033KJ,JJKH20220097KJ) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0802703).
关键词 车架 载荷分析 有限元分析 试验研究 启动与制动 frame load analysis finite element analysis experimental test starting and braking
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