
山区高速公路爬坡车道长度可靠性设计 被引量:4

Reliability Design of Climbing Lane Length of Expressway in Mountainous Area
摘要 现有规范对爬坡车道设计仅对起终点位置进行宽泛设置,并没有给出明确的长度及计算方法,文中以20 km/h速度折减量作为设置爬坡车道起点的依据,将爬坡车道分为爬坡段和附加长度段,建立爬坡车道长度与坡度的功能函数.将可靠概率与失效概率作为表征可靠度的指标,采用蒙特卡洛法计算在不同设计坡度坡长组合下,爬坡车道长度设计值的可靠概率.以《工程结构可靠性设计统一标准》为依据,为满足高速公路对应安全等级的可靠度要求,将可靠度概率大于95%的爬坡车道长度设计值作为安全建议值,提出不同坡度范围内爬坡车道长度的限制要求.结果表明:在相同设计坡长条件下,爬坡车道长度设计值可靠度随着坡度的增大而减小;当设计速度分别为100、80 km/h时,坡长分别为800、700 m的条件下,对应最大纵坡坡度为4%、5%的爬坡车道安全建议值为865、895 m.最后运用工程实例从事故率的角度说明了合理设置爬坡车道的必要性,并对事故路段重新布置爬坡车道. In the existing code,the design of climbing lane only sets the starting and ending positions broadly,but does not give a clear length and calculation method.Taking the 20km/h speed reduction as the basis for setting the starting point of climbing lane,the climbing lane was divided into climbing section and additional length section,and the function function of climbing lane length and slope was established.Taking the reliability probability and failure probability as the indicators of reliability,Monte Carlo method was used to calculate the reliability probability of the design value of climbing lane length under different combinations of design slopes and lengths.According to the Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures,in order to meet the reliability requirements of the corresponding safety grades of expressways,the design value of climbing lane length with reliability probability greater than 95%was taken as the safety suggestion value,which provides the requirements for limiting the length of climbing lane in different slope ranges.The results show that under the same design slope length,the reliability of design value of climbing lane length decreases with the increase of slope.When the design speed is 100 km/h and 80 km/h respectively,and the slope length is 800 m and 700 m respectively,the safety recommended values of climbing lanes with the maximum longitudinal slope of 4%and 5%are 865 m and 895m respectively.Finally,an engineering example is used to illustrate the necessity of reasonably setting up climbing lanes from the angle of accident rate,and the climbing lanes are re-arranged for the accident sections.
作者 张航 涂智佳 田晟 曲路畅 ZHANG Hang;TU Zhijia;TIAN Sheng;QU Luchang(School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430000, China;Yi Ling District Traffic Police Brigade, Yichang 443100, China)
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2022年第3期495-500,共6页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)
基金 国家自然科学基金(51678460) 湖北省交通运输厅科技项目(2014-721-2-7)。
关键词 道路工程 失效概率 可靠度 爬坡车道长度设计 交通安全 road engineering failure probability reliability climbing lane length design traffic safe
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