

Research on the Influencing Factors of Higher Vocational Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability in Post-pandemic Era——Based on the Qualitative Analysis of Grounded Theory
摘要 随着中国疫情防控进入常态化阶段,线上+线下“双线”融合逐渐成为高校教学的一种重要方式。融合教学不仅考验高职院校教师的职业素养,更关注高职生的自主学习能力。高职生学习动机不强、自主学习能力较弱将影响融合教学的效果。本研究通过扎根理论对高职生进行半结构化访谈,采用NVivo11质性分析软件依据扎根理论的基本原理对访谈数据进行三级编码,归纳总结出自我激励、自我管理、元认知、信息素养、非正式课程五种自主学习能力的影响因素,各因素的交互作用共同影响自主学习能力,最后提出高职生自主学习能力提高的有效路径和方法。 As China ’s pandemic prevention and control become normal,“online and offline”integration has become an important way of teaching for colleges and universities.Thus,integrated teaching not only requires the high professional quality of teachers in vocational colleges,but also focuses more on autonomous learning ability of higher vocational students.The effect of the integrated teaching mode is influenced by the weak learning motivation and autonomous learning ability of higher vocational students.The thesis conducted semi-structured interviews with higher vocational students based on grounded theory,adopted NVivo11 qualitative analysis software to code the interview data at three levels based on grounded theory,and concluded five factors affecting their autonomous learning ability namely self-motivation,self-management,meta-cognition,information literacy,informal course.Five factors have contact with each other and exert a joint influence on their autonomous learning ability.At last,the thesis put forward effective paths and approaches for higher vocational students to enhance their autonomous learning ability.
作者 王合 万纯 Wang He;Wan Chun(Jiujiang Vocational University,Jiujiang,Jiangxi,332000)
机构地区 九江职业大学
出处 《九江职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期45-50,55,共7页 Journal of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College
基金 江西省十四五教育规划青年项目“后疫情时代高职生自主学习能力的培养研究”(编号:21QN077),项目负责人:万纯。
关键词 后疫情时代 高职生 自主学习能力 扎根理论 Post-pandemic era higher vocational students autonomous learning ability grounded theory
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