In recent years, the Biden administration has introduced the BuildBack Better World(B3W) Initiative and a series of adversarial policies tocounter China’s increasing influence in infrastructure and development fi-nance, aiming to rival the Belt and Road Initiative with a private-invest-ment driven, market-based American approach. This paper argues that“market-ness” does not characterize the way the U. S. practices develop-ment finance. The U.S. affects the flow of infrastructure-financing capitalthrough leading two international regimes, the international development re-gime and the international export-credit regime. The former relies on therole of the state in credit allocation, whereas the latter limits state interven-tion in firms’ commercially oriented business. In contrast, late-developed e-conomies practice development finance as a part of their industrial policies,using official credits to incentivize firms to conduct business in developingcountries. Facing the rise of the developing countries like China, advancedindustrial economies have begun to adopt development finance approachespracticed by late-developed economies, and the U.S.-led international re-gimes have been undergoing “southernisation.” The B3W Initiative there-fore demonstrates a convergence of the development finance approaches ofthe two countries.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies