

A Study on the ‘Fu Ji Six Jia’(Inserting Jewelry into Hair) and the Motif of Poem in Hoping to Live with Her Lord till Death
摘要 《君子偕老》是《诗经》涉及服饰最多的一篇。“副笄六珈”即包括“副”“笄”“珈”三种首饰。结合传世文献、出土文物及壁画进行考察,可以看出“副”非“步摇”而是“假髻”;“笄”为“衡笄”,形制较长,用以固副悬瑱;“珈”为“笄首”,别有笄饰,“六珈”实际是六支或多支饰有笄首的短笄。“副笄六珈”是先盘发作高髻,左右施以衡笄固定,两旁以紞悬瑱,再加饰六支短笄装饰,达到盛饰效果。纵观全诗,无一字提及宣姜,更无讥刺之意。先儒多认为所写为宣姜,且凭“子之不淑”一句,将其视为刺诗,这与“不淑”古义及宣姜本事不合,也忽略了上古时期的烝婚习俗,因而不能将其视为刺宣姜之意。此诗当为美卫夫人,而悯其不幸、不能与君子偕老之诗。 The poem Hoping to Live with Her Lord till Death incorporates fineries and accessories at most in the Book of Songs. ‘Fu Ji Liu Jia’ includes three kinds of jewelry: ‘Fu’, ‘Ji’, ‘Jia’. Combined with handed-down documents, unearthed cultural relics and murals, it can be seen that ‘Fu’ is not ‘Buyao(Hair Accessory)’ but artificial chignon, which is an artificial knot of hair worn at the back of a woman’s head;‘ji’ is ‘hengji’, an ancient hairpin with a long shape which is used to hold the artificial chignon pulled up and hang jade;“Jia” is “the head of hairpin”, hanging with other hairpin ornaments. “Six Jia” is actually a short hairpin with six or more hairpin ornaments. ‘Fu Ji Six Jia’ firstly sets a high bun, fixes it with Hengji on the left and right sides, hangs the jade on both sides, and decorates with six short hairpins to achieve the effect of decoration. Throughout the whole poem, it doesn’t mention Xuan Jiang(an ancient woman), let alone connote the meaning of sarcasm. Most of the ancient Confucians believed that it referred to Xuan Jiang(an ancient woman) and regarded it as a satirical poem by virtue of the words: “her immoral conduct”, which was inconsistent with the ancient meaning of ‘Bushu’ and Xuan Jiang’s original story. It also ignored the custom of Zhenghun in ancient times, therefore, it cannot be regarded as the satirical connotation of Xuan Jiang(an ancient woman). This poem should be in praise of Mrs.Wei, and show sympathy for her misfortune not the poem of hoping to live with her lord till death.
作者 杨允 黄丽 YANG Yun;HUANG Li
出处 《北方论丛》 2022年第4期139-153,共15页 The Northern Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“礼乐制度建构与汉代文学生产研究”(20BZW101)。
关键词 六珈 不淑 宣姜 Fu Ji Six Jia Bushu Xuan Jiang(an ancient woman)
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