

Spatial and temporal differentiation of global COVID-19 vaccine development,circulation and vaccination
摘要 本文利用全球新型冠状病毒疫苗(COVID-19疫苗,简称新冠疫苗)的开发、订购、捐赠和接种数据,借助GIS等技术方法,在明晰全球新冠疫苗开发与流通格局的基础上,探讨全球新冠疫苗接种的时空分异特征。结果表明:(1)全球新冠疫苗开发格局呈明显的空间不均衡性,形成以西欧、北美和亚洲为核心的三足鼎立格局,美国、中国和英国等是新冠疫苗的主要开发国。(2)全球新冠疫苗订购网络主要遵循定向扩展和不定向扩展两种扩展模式,订购联系总体上表现出早期集中于欧美发达国家内部,随后逐步向外部亚非拉国家扩展的特点。(3)全球新冠疫苗捐赠网络以中国和美国为双核,美国主要向东南亚、南亚和拉美等美国传统势力范围或战略地位重要国家进行捐赠,中国主要向南亚、东南亚和西亚等“一带一路”沿线国家和非洲国家进行捐赠。整体上新冠疫苗捐赠主要受捐赠双方联系密切程度、关系友好程度和捐赠国的国家战略需求及国际义务履行需要等因素综合影响,但不同捐赠国侧重点有所不同。(4)受全球新冠疫苗的开发、订购和捐赠格局影响,欧美发达国家的新冠疫苗接种进程领先于绝大多数亚非拉国家,但差异性正逐步缩小,中国的疫苗接种由相对较高水平区跃升至相对高水平区,成为发展中国家的代表。 Using the data of global COVID-19 vaccine development,ordering,donation and vaccination,and through GIS and other technical methods,this paper depicts the development,circulation pattern and their dynamics of global COVID-19 vaccine.In order to provide a cognitive basis,this paper further discusses the spatial and temporal differentiation of global COVID-19 vaccination.The conclusions are as follows:(1)The global development pattern of COVID-19 vaccine is not balanced,with three cores in Western Europe,North America and Asia as a whole.Among them,the United States,China and the UK are the representative countries for the development of COVID-19 vaccine.(2)In the early stage,the global COVID-19 vaccine ordering was mainly distributed among developed countries in Western Europe and North America.Nevertheless,with the continuous expansion of the global ordering network,the ordering of COVID-19 vaccine has gradually expanded to Asian,African and Latin American countries.On the whole,the global COVID-19 vaccine ordering has formed two expansion modes,including directed expansion and non-directed expansion.(3)China and the United States are the two core countries of the global COVID-19 vaccine donation network.The United States mainly donates vaccines to Southeast Asia,South Asia,Latin America and other countries that have close relationship with the United States.China mainly donates vaccines to South Asia,Southeast Asia,West Asia and Africa.The donation of COVID-19vaccine is mainly affected by the contact and relationship between countries,the national strategies and the need to fulfill international obligations of donor countries,but their focuses are different.(4)The development,ordering and donation pattern of global COVID-19 vaccine determines the evolution of global vaccination pattern.The vaccination process in developed countries in Western Europe and North America is ahead of most Asian,African and Latin American countries,but the gap is gradually narrowing.China’s vaccination rate has jumped from a higher to the highest level,making China a representative of developing countries.
作者 曹宛鹏 杜德斌 夏启繁 黄晓东 CAO Wanpeng;DU Debin;XIA Qifan;HUANG Xiaodong(Institute for Global Innovation and Development,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China;School of Urban&Regional Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;Center for World Geography and Geostrategic Studies,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1546-1562,共17页 Acta Geographica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA087)。
关键词 新冠疫苗 疫苗开发 疫苗流通 疫苗接种 网络格局 时空分异 COVID-19 vaccine vaccine development vaccine circulation vaccination network pattern spatial and temporal differentiation
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