
社区不文明行为与流动母亲的安全感——兼论社会工作的空间介入 被引量:1

Community Incivilities and Migrant Mothers’ Feelings of Safety:Considering Social Work Space Intervention
摘要 社区不文明行为是城市社会学研究的重要议题,既有研究表明,社区不文明行为对于居民的社区安全感有负面影响。基于对深圳市城中村12位流动母亲的深度访谈,分析社区不文明行为对其社区安全感的影响机制。一方面,社区乱丢垃圾等不文明行为强化了她们对于社区居民“缺乏素质”的观念,降低了社区集体效能感,引发了她们的不安全感;另一方面,流动母亲认为社区中的违章建筑等显示了她们边缘化的社会地位,继而强化了她们的不安全感。研究认为,在城中村等外来人口聚居的社区,社会工作的空间介入对于提高社区集体效能感、实现社区治理具有重要意义。 Community incivility has been an important thesis of research in urban sociology. Existing studies have suggested that community incivilities exert negative influences on residents’ feelings of safety. Based on in-depth interviews with 12 migrant mothers from an urban village in Shenzhen, the article has identified two mechanisms through which community incivilities influence migrant mothers’ feelings of safety. On the one hand, physical incivilities, such as littering, reinforce migrant mothers’ perceptions of the low quality of their fellow residents, which lowers their community efficacy and raises their feelings of insecurity. On the other hand, some social incivilities, such as unapproved buildings, remind migrant mothers’ self-cognition of marginalized migrant workers, which intensifies their sense of insecurity It is suggested that in urban villages and other communities inhabited by migrants, social workers’ spatial interventions can help enhance collective efficacy and promote community governance.
作者 金舒衡 戴海静 JIN Shuheng;DAI Haijing(School of law,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510006,China;School of Social Science,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatian,Hong Kong,999077,China)
出处 《社会工作与管理》 2022年第4期41-47,共7页 Social Work and Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“循证社会工作介入养老机器人居家照护实践模式研究”(21YJC840039) 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划共建课题“迈向人工智能的老年社会工作循证研究——基于广州市养老机器人居家照护的实践体系”(2021GZGJ213)。
关键词 流动母亲 社区不文明行为 安全感 社会工作 空间介入 migrant mothers community incivility feelings of safety social work space intervention
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