

Review and Reflections on the Anti-Corruption Struggle in the Centennial Since the Founding of the Communist Party of China
摘要 建党百年反腐败历程,可分为从建党至新中国成立、从新中国成立到改革开放、从改革开放至今三大历史时期,分别以反贪污、反腐蚀腐化、反以权谋私为鲜明特征。改革开放以来的反腐败斗争可分为积极应战、主动进攻、全面围剿三个时间段。反腐败理论理念与政策法规、领导机构与组织保障、反腐败重大举措与收效是百年反腐的三条主线。建党百年反腐败斗争经验启示我们:反腐败具有政治性,是党的一项重大政治任务;反腐败具有时代性,要推动反腐败斗争与时俱进;反腐败具有实践性,要在实践中及时调整完善策略部署;反腐败具有规律性,要始终把握反腐败斗争主动权。建议进一步明确反腐败斗争目标追求,实施“清廉中国”国家战略,拓展以“三不”一体推进为总纲的反腐败路径,加强党的领导、赢得人民支持、强化理论支撑,为反腐败斗争提供坚强保障。 The century-long anti-corruption history since the founding of the Communist Party of China can be divided into three major historical periods:from the founding of the Party to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China,from the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the Reform and Opening-up,and from Reform and Opening-up to the present.They are respectively characterized by anti-corruption,anti-corrosion and corruption and anti-abuse of power for personal gains.The anti-corruption since the Reform and Opening-up can be divided into three periods:active response,active attack and comprehensive encirclement and suppression.The three main lines of anti-corruption in the past century are the anti-corruption theoretical concepts,policies and regulations,the guarantee of leading institutions and organizations,and the major anti-corruption measures and results.The centennial of anti-corruption since the founding of the Party inspired us:anti-corruption is political in nature,and it is a major political task of the Party;anti-corruption displays the characteristics of the times,and we should promote the anti-corruption struggle to keep pace with the times;anticorruption is practical in nature,and we should timely adjust and improve the strategy and deployment in practice;anti-corruption shows its regularity in nature,and we should always grasp the initiative in the fight against corruption.It is suggested to further clarify the pursuit of anti-corruption objectives,implement the national strategy of“Clean China”,and expand the anti-corruption path with the general outline of“promoting anti-corruption in three parts”,aiming to strengthening the leadership of the Party,winning the support of the people and cementing the theoretical support to provide a strong guarantee for anti-corruption.
作者 徐喜林 Xu Xilin
机构地区 不详
出处 《廉政学研究》 2022年第2期3-29,276,277,共29页 Clean-Governance Study
关键词 中国共产党 反腐败斗争 清廉中国 Communist Party of China Fight Against Corruption Clean China
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