

Annotation of Ren Naiqiang’s Diary and Report of the Investigation in North Khams Areas(Ⅱ)
摘要 1944年7—11月,华西协和大学边疆研究所与燕京大学社会学系组成联合考察组,赴西康省北部各县考察。时任华大社会系教授、边疆研究所研究员的任乃强先生是此次考察的倡议者与向导者,考察中他写有《康北考察日记》。返校后,又写有考察报告《最近的西康之行》。其中,日记逐日记录了四个多月考察的行程与主要考察内容,考察报告则详尽地记述了考察中遇到的诸多困难和备尝的艰辛、得到的收获和考察中的趣事。这两篇珍贵资料对于了解老一辈学者筚路蓝缕,不畏艰苦,深入康藏调查的治学精神和当时西康北部地区各县的社会、地理、宗教、文化、民俗等,有重要的价值。但日记文字较简略;考察报告虽较详,现仅存考察“木雅与鲜曲盆地”一帙。文章将这两篇珍贵资料综合辑录,予以整理、校注,使日记和考察报告互为补充,得以全面展示了这一考察的情况。 From July to November 1944,the West China Border Research Society of West China Union University and the Department of Sociology of Yenching University formed a joint investigation team to investigate the northern counties of Xikang Province.Mr.Ren Naiqiang,then a professor of the Department of Sociology of Yenching University and a researcher of West China Border Research Society,was the initiator and guide of the investigation.After returning to school,he wrote an investigation report“Recent Trip to Xikang”.Among them,the diary records the itinerary and main contents of the four-month investigation day by day,and the investigation report describes in detail the many difficulties encountered during the investigation,the hardships experienced,the gains obtained and the interesting things in the investigation.These two precious materials are of great value for understanding the scholarly spirit of the older generation of scholars,who were not afraid of hardships,and conducted in-depth investigations into Khams,as well as the society,geography,religion,culture,and folk customs of the counties in the northern region of Xikang at that time.But the diary text is more concise.Although the investigation report is relatively detailed,there is only one volume of“Minyak and Xianqu Basin”.In this paper,the two precious materials are comprehensively compiled,collated and annotated,so that the diary and the investigation report are complementary to each other,and the situation of the investigation can be comprehensively displayed.
作者 何洁(整理) 任新建(整理) HE Jie;REN Xin-jian
出处 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期146-168,218,219,共25页 China Tibetology
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“民国时期康巴地区的民族调查及其对社会发展的效用研究(1928—1945)”(19BMZ037)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 任乃强 康北考察 日记 报告 Ren Naiqiang Investigation in North Khams Diary Reports
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