

Formation of Poly(L-lactic acid) Bundles or Microspheres by Solution Phase Separation
摘要 将左旋聚乳酸(PLLA)/乙腈溶液淬火至亚稳态,使其发生液-液相分离,得到PLLA捆束或微球。通过控制淬火时间,使PLLA从捆束向微球转变。与此同时,随着淬火时间的增加PLLA从α′-晶型转变为更加有序规整堆积的α-晶型。淬火时间和淬火温度不变的条件下,低浓度有利于形成捆束形貌,而高浓度形成微球形貌。最后讨论了聚乳酸捆束或微球的形成机理。 To prepare poly(L-lactic acid)(PLLA) porous microsphere,the thermally induced phase separation(TIPS) method was applied to quench PLLA/acetonitrile solutions to the metastable state,resulting in liquid-liquid phase separation of the polymer solutions.By controlling the quenching time,the porous microsphere grew from lamellar bundles to microsphere.Meanwhile,with increasing quenching time,the PLLA microsphere transformed from α′-to more stable and compact-packing α-crystal.When the quenching time and temperature were kept constant,solutions with low PLLA concentration were favorable for the formation of bundles,whereas solutions with high PLLA concentration contributed to the formation of microsphere.At last,the mechanism for the formation of PLLA bundles or microspheres was discussed.
作者 刘瑞来 丁晓红 赵瑨云 胡家朋 穆寄林 付兴平 LIU Rui-lai;DING Xiao-hong;ZHAO Jin-yun;HU Jia-peng;MU Ji-lin;FU Xing-ping(College of Ecological and Resources Engineering,Wuyi University,Wuyishan 354300,China;College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China)
出处 《高分子通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期54-61,共8页 Polymer Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(51406141) 福建省自然科学基金(2018J05092,2019J01829,2019J01830,2018J01518) 南平市基金(2019J06) 资源化学产业科技创新联合资助项目(N2020Z012)。
关键词 左旋聚乳酸 多孔微球 相分离 溶液结晶 Poly(L-lactic acid) Porous microspheres Solution crystallization Phase separation
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