The implementation of the multi-core joint loading design technique for PWRs can enhance the flexibility of the core loading design, the study is to find the effects of the technique for the fuel economy and the capability to solve the problem of fuel assembl y damage. The compatibility requirement for the burned fuel assemblies from other units are analyzed for the multi-core joint loading design technique. The residual powers of the burned fuel assemblies as a function of the cooling time are analyzed, and the available transport casks with large thermal load for the transportation of the burned fuel assemblies during applicating the multi-core joint loading design technique are listed. The capability of the core loading design for solving the problem of fuel assembly damage is analyzed for the first core and the reloaded core, and the improvement of the capability is analyzed after applicating the multi-core joint loading design technique. The first core simulation design applicating multi-core joint loading design technique and its fuel economy analysis have been done. It found that the risk of fuel assembly damage in the first core is bigger than that of the following reloaded cores, and the capability of solving the problem of fuel assembly damage for the first core only loading new fuel assemblies is worst;the first core can be transformed into the reloaded core by applicating the multi-core joint loading design technique, which can improve the capability of solving the problem of fuel assembly damage for the first core by the design flexibility of the reload core and save about 320 million yuan of fuel cost. Thus, the multi-core joint loading design technology can improve the fuel economy of the first core and the capability of solving the problem of fuel assembly damage.
MA Zirong(Reactor Engineering Dept,Hualong Nuclear Power Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100036,China)
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Core loading
First cycle
Transport cask for spent fuel