围绕GB/T 40660—2021《信息安全技术生物特征识别信息保护基本要求》在生物特征识别保护领域的实施情况,以移动支付系统、出入口管理系统等5个生物特征识别数据应用项目为典型案例,研究标准化在保护个人生物特征识别信息领域发挥的重要作用。
This paper focus on the implementation of the national network security standard GB/T 40660-2021"Information security technology-Basic requirements for biometric information protection"in the field of biometric protection.We take five biometric data application projects such as mobile payment system and entrance and exit management system as typical cases to introduce the important role played by standardization in the field of personal biometric information protection.
Information Technology & Standardization