

Breeding report of a new hawtorn cultivar Jinhong No.1
摘要 晋红1号是由大金星早熟芽变选育出的山楂新品种。果实扁圆形,果皮深红,果点大而密,果肩稍平呈多棱状。果肉绿白色,果肉质地致密,风味甜酸。纵径3.08 cm,横径3.56 cm,平均单果质量18.2 g,最大单果质量25 g。果形指数0.865,每果实含种核4~5粒。总糖含量(w,后同)8.44%,可滴定酸含量2.64%,糖酸比3.197,维生素C含量68.39mg·100 g^(-1),黄酮含量0.156%;品质中上。果实生育期140 d左右,在山西省晋中市太谷区(经度112.55°、纬度37.42°)9月中旬成熟;花序花朵数15~20枚,萌芽率61.6%。该品种较抗白粉病、锈病,抗寒抗旱。货架期150 d,冷藏6个月。适合山西晋中及以南地区、国内相似气候地区栽培,第3年开花结果,丰产性较强。 Jinhong No.1 is a new variety of hawthorn with excellent appearance and good quality. The seeding was derived from a bud mutation of Dajinxing. In 2012, it was initially observed as a bud mutation for its early ripening time. After several years of observation, the results have shown that the cultivar has large fruit, high yield and stable fruit quality. Its coloring stage exceeded 50 days and ripening period was 20 days earlier than Dajinxing. In 2020, the cultivar was identified in the field by the expert,approved by the Forest Variety Certification Committee of Shanxi Forestry and Grassland Bureau, and named Jinhong No.1(Registration Number: Jin S-SC-CP-027-2020). The tree is vigorous with open crown. Twigs are reddish-brown with distinct yellow-brown spots. The average length of annual branches is 13.9 cm. Leaves are broadly ovate, slightly united on both sides towards the leaf surface. The leaves are large and dark green, 11.7 cm long and 9.6 cm wide. Its fruit is oblate and round, with a longitudinal diameter of 3.08 cm and a transverse diameter of 3.56 cm. The average single fruit weight is17.4-19.0 g, and the maximum single fruit weight is 25 g. The color of hawthorn surface is dark red,with large and dense dots. The fruit flesh is green and white. The taste is slightly sour and sweet. The fruit shape index is 0.865. There are 4-5 seed nucleus per fruit. The contents of total soluble sugar, titratable acid, ascorbic acid and flavone is 8.44 g · 100 g^(-1), 2.64%,68.39 mg · 100 g^(-1)and 0.156%, respectively. The fruit is available for fresh and processing. The fruit development period is about 140 d and it matures at mid-August in Jinzhong city, Shanxi province. The inflorescence is large, usually with 15 to 20flowers. The bud break rate is 61.6%. It is resistant to powdery mildew rust, cold and drought. The fruit has very long storage-life, cold storage life is six months and shelf life are over 150 days. After storage,the fruit aroma is quite strong. Suitable cultivation area is in Jinzhong city and the south of Shanxi, as well as similar climate locations in China. This variety can bear fruits in the third year after planting,and has high yield potential. To establish an orchard, you should choose neutral sandy soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention. Spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 3 m×4 m. The pollinizer is not required. Pruning usually happens twice in spring and summer. In winter,large sick branches are pruned to renew and revitalize, aiming at adjusting the tree vigor. In summer, the main measures such as thinning, pulling and pinching should be taken to adjust for ventilation and light transmission.
作者 杨明霞 付宝春 郑精杰 崔克强 纪薇 赵士粤 任瑞 何美美 杨萍 温映红 YANG Mingxia;FU Baochun;ZHENG Jingjie;CUI Keqiang;JI Wei;ZHAO Shiyue;REN Rui;HE Meimei;YANG Ping;WEN Yinghong(Pomology Institute,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,Shanxi,China;Jishan Bureau of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of Shanxi,Jishan 043200,Shanxi,China;College of Horticulture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,Shanxi,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1326-1329,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 山西省应用基础研究计划项目(2021032124164) 山西农业大学生物育种工程项目(YZGC037)。
关键词 山楂 新品种 晋红1号 Hawthorn New cultivar Jinhong No.1
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